Most sellers have the 3’rd gens priced way too high. At gun shops and gun shows those marked at $500 to $1,000 don’t sell for months and years. Buyers will often pay about 25% over what a standard Italian copy will bring, and no more.
Second Generation guns bring a little more around here, but not much. A lot of us buy them for shooters.
Keep in mind that us old farts that like percussion revolvers are dying off at a rapid rate and getting too blind to shoot. The younger guys ( under 40 ) care nothing for them in general.
So what I am saying is that the potential market demand is rapidly shrinking.
Similar situation to the commemorative Winchester lever actions produced in the 1960’s and 1970’s. A lot of people bought them for investments, but they never increased in value much beyond inflation over standard Winchesters because younger people wanted bolt actions and AR-15’s.