Birdman said:
Suz remember to not let the super fancy scrim scare ya off, my personal opinion is MOST of todays horns are scrimed to a much higher level of art work then you would have seen on AVERAGE everyday horns,don't get me wrong they are beautiful and true works of art but I just feel if the average Joe sat down with his penny knife or a scratch awl or what not and scrimmed his horn it would be much cruder looking and simpler in design. I think the more crude looking scrim on horns is excellent and more appropriate actually. And yes there are many examples of supurbly scrimed horns done over the centuarys but I just don't think ya would have seen to many like that swinging under some woodsrunners arm or hanging in a farmers house, --just some thoughts YMHS Birdman
Birdman, I guess, I'm one of the culprits who practice and enjoy making both common plain powder horns and the fancy engraved one's and have for getting close to forty years now!
Granted, There are a lot more simple everyday "homespun" type powder horns, but there were and are many, many engraved and fancy engraved original horns as well! __ There are many researched examples in photographs, books, collections (both public and private), as well as many recognized experts in the field who specialize in HC powder horn research!
We can all have our preference in styles, but one reason we see more of today's recreated fancy engraved powder horns might be to the interest and population difference from the 18th century!
Making powder horns today, or any horn work, would be pretty dull after a while, if we Hornsmiths made only the more simple common horns. __ Fancy engraved (not scrimmed), powder horns were a big part of our Early American history and many of us Hornsmiths are dedicated to the effort and skill of learning and practicing this Early American Folk Art form and our counties large population warrants more craftsman applying their interest and skill levels in producing seemingly more fancy engraved powder horns!
Sorry for getting off the topic!