.32 cal rifle what size ball & patch?

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36 Cal.
Jun 10, 2007
Reaction score
i have a .32 cal dixie f/l tenn rifle.
i have noticed that balls are offered in .310 and .315.

do i try a couple of each to determine what is right? and how bout the patch thickness?
i heard that pillow ticking is good. what is the best combo? larger ball,thin patch or vice versa?
thanks for the help:)
I have seen both work well. The consensus seems to be that a tight fitting combination will usually shoot the most accurately, but there are axceptions to every rule. Try several types of patch, along with several types of lube, and you will eventually find a combination that your particular gun likes. When you find it, stick with it. Experimanting is part of the fun, and as each gun is an individual, no one can tell you for sure what your particular rifle will or wont like. Having said that, you will get some very good suggestions from these guys and gals. My .32 is a CVA Squirrel i built from a kit, and it likes a .313 ball with a .015 patch, and 20 grs of goex 3f. Thinner patches wont group, thicker wont fit down the muzzle. A friend has the same model rifle and his hates my load. But then again, mine hates his load of a .010 patch and 35 grs of goex 3f. Play with it and you will learn what that rifle likes... :thumbsup:
i have the same rifle,it's favorite load is a .310 ball,.10 patch on top of 20grs of Goex fff. very accurate.
I have a 32cal Crockett that I tried .310 balls .013 pillow tick got about 1 1/2" group at 15yds not good ,tried .315 ball .013 tick got 1 " group better ,tried .315 ball .019 dinem patch 3/8" group at 15 yds great ' that is all shots with 20 grns. fffg Goex , my own patch lube of water soluable oil 1 part to 6 parts water soak then lay on piece of plastic to dry, swab between shots with solution of 1 part murphys oil soap 1 part water soluable oil 1 part water. works in my rifle maybe not in yours ,just try everyting.
My Crockett agrees with the tight load question, but it's a purely hunting rifle and a compromise was in order to avoid carrying a mallet into the field.

The best compromise for ease of loading and accuracy was a .310 swaged or .311 cast ball in a .015 commercial prelube patch over 20 grains of Pyro P. That combo groups "minute of eye" on snowshoe hares out to 25 yards and "minute of head" out past 50 yards, loads easy, and doesn't build up significant fouling in a whole sack full of rabbits.

Try different combos in your gun and see which hits the right compromise between field use and accuracy. I'll bet your "best" load isn't going to be something you want in the field, but you will still find a great hunting load that goes down the bore lots easier.

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