.36 or .44 Remmy

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40 Cal.
Jul 13, 2009
Reaction score
Just wonderin...Which one of these do you like better? I know that this is like asking which of your kids...etc What I guess I'm asking is there any appreciable difference between them that you have found? Wanting to see,which one to look at next GrampaJ in NC (I know...I need both.) :idunno:
i would say the 44 cal all around pistol, 36 good for target, my self would like a 36, but i have the 44, it is a rem i shoot strong arm and it is a little much for my wrist. but the question is what would you shoot, target or hunting or both.
36 for target and lower cost shooting. 44 if you want want more blam and knock down and want to spend more coin per shot.
I don't own a .36 cause I like to see the holes I make :haha: . Seriously though, it's entirely subjective. All of my supplies are .44, and when I compare the cost of operating (feeding) a centerfire auto, the .44 looks cheap enough!

Now if I was to win a 1862 Pocket Navy in .36 cal, I'd think that I'd shoot it, with as much of the holy black as I could force into her!

i've owned and shot both.traded the 44 kept the 36.get which one you like,i just prefer the 36
If you do a great deal of shooting, go for the 36. If you need more blam for specific game, or shoot just a dozen times a year, get the 44. it is easier to find accessories and shot in many areas.

Whther a gun is good for target shooting depends on more than caliber. Quality, trigger pull, etc. Most guns used by top target shooters have gone through extensive tuning to smooth the action, lower trigger pull better align the chambers with the barrel etc.

Unless you are terribly serious about competition shooting, I'd go for the 44, simply because you can shoot rats and up to larger game with the 44. I shoot alot a woodchucks with my 44.
Wasn't sure if you were replying to me or the original poster........

My favorite is the Walker with my usual 52 grain charge, a wonder-wad and a .454 Hornady ball. I can hit a man-sized torso out to 135 yards :haha:

My most accurate is the 1860 Army with fluted cylinder. I'm working on my NRA Distinguished Expert with that revolver and I have to shoot it at 50 yards strong-hand only. It's a real tack-driver! You don't need a .36 to hit well.

Both are nice if the Remmie fits your hand well...
I do like the shorter barrels on em though...
never had one but I figger the recoil would be a little stouter with a short barrel....
My wife bought me a .44 1858 Remington by Euroarms for Father's Day about 15 years ago. First time out, I loaded it with 27 grains of FFFg and a .454 ball. First ball went through the X at 25 yards. Should have stopped there, but they are so much fun to shoot. I cast my own balls, so cost is not a factor. Lee makes a 200 grain conical mold for the .44 Remington. I've shot it with 30 grains of FFFg and that really gets other's attention! The .44 can handle man or beast.
There's that 27 grain load again! :thumbsup:

I use the same load in my '58 and the '60 Army as well! A real tack driver! :thumbsup:


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