.44 Cal Screw Barrel

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Got this in an auction last night and need help on where to get balls and what size might be a good place to start. Also, what size powder would be best? For less that $50, is it a good deal?
You did well at $50. I have two of those though not as nicely finished. I shoot .433 diameter balls with a .015 or .020 patch with 20 grains of pyrodex p. This will give it velocities in the mid 500's for a muzzle energy around 80 ft/lbs. At close range this is a deadly weapon. You can shoot bird shot too as some guys do but I have stuck with balls. Accuracy is marginal, don't expect precise shot placement. At 5 to 7 yards I can hit a paper plate 3 out of 5 times with the other two hitting just outside the plate. It haelps to figure out a consistant hold on the grip. I grip it so the grip screw is just visible over the web between my thumb and fore finger. I have shot at silouette targets at 7 yards and haven't had too much trouble hitting center mass. At close range your going to hit a man size target. Another thing to fuss with on these guns is the nipple. Caps generally don't seat well on them so misfires are common. To fix this I have just filed/sanded the nipple so the caps seat all the way and I can reliably pop caps.

Good Luck,

Yes, you did well at less than $50.

These were made in the U.S.A. back approx. 1970's.

Someone started making them again a few years ago.

Dixie Gun Works had your model and several others a year or two ago. Think they were close to $100.

Am not sure if they are still being made.
It's a New Orleans Ace. Dixie Gun Works sells them and might be able to help you with information about it. It isn't a screw barrel, though: that's why it has a rammer attached to the barrel. Fifty bucks isn't a bad price at all. They are really a boot gun--a hideout gun--and meant to be used on cheaters across a card table. At that range they will get the job done.
I only own one of the Classic Arms and it is a Pepperbox. It is also a true POS. :cursing:
Fortunatly the Ace (from what I've read) actually works. :)

Of course, these little guns are inaccurate but they are fun to plink with.
It's especially gratifying when you can hit a can or a paper plate with them. Just make sure of your backstop. Round balls have a real tendency to ricochet.
:v That's a real nice find :applause: . If Dixie sells it they would have the information as to calibre---but a set of micrometer calipers could give you a good internal measure of what you're dealing with. You have learned a good lesson re: nipples and adjusting them---I chuck them into a variable speed drill or my Unimat lathe and use a small flat file.As for powder fffg and mebbe 15-20 grains would be more than enough. Have fun I really enjoy my Pedersoli screw barrel and CVA Derringer. I would love to get a flint in the same screw barrel style. On the Pepperbox kit I built it, it took several days and dozens of attempts to get springs in place and to function---it still will not cock---therefore not fire---I almost threw at my friend who gave it to me as a Christmas present. I have the reputation as one with the patience of a monk---this one brought the devil out of me. :cursing:

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