I finished and assembled several of these back when you could get the kits here and found that you will often need a different size ball from one pistol to the next. Ideally, you want the smallest ball that leaves a little ring shaved off when it's pressed into the chamber. If the ball is too large, you'll put excesive wear on the lever assembly as well as the frame if it's brass. Too small and, even if you think it's a nice snug fit, you're just asking for a chain fire, even with the chambers greased. This is from first hand experience :redface: . It was with a steel frame model so all I got was a good scare and one of those kinds of lessons you couldn't forget if you tried. The retailer I used to buy the kits from kept a brass framed .58 Remmington with the backstrap blown apart on display as an example of what a chainfire can do on a bad day. Hope this helps,