49 colt problem

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40 Cal.
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the replies on my caliber question.
I just got the pistol, don't know brand-has CB on frame and a star inside a wreath on the barrel.
Something else, but poorly stamped.
Piece appears unfired and functions OK except The wedge was not all the way in.
When I knocked it in to the 'shoulder' the cylinder would not turn.
Would honing the rear of the barrel be the fix for this or is it that simple?
Thanks fer any ideas.
The wedge is supposed to stick out some on both sides. It does not need to be driven in all the way to the shoulder. You just need to tap it back out some until the cylinder has enough clearance to turn freely. There should be about a .004-.008 gap between the cyl. face and the barrel.
Your wedge should look like this. If you look like this, that would be pretty cool. :grin:

I look just like Clint when I shoot a 95x100 with my Walker! :rotf: :haha:

Now if I just had his money :shocked2: :shake:

Getting back to the wedge thing: It's not necessary for the wedge to go far into the slot, only to the point that the spring steel pops out of the side. Then use the little screw to keep the wedge in place! That's it's job! After you've shot the thing a couple hundred or so times, it will "wear-in" from disassemble & reassembly after cleaning. Then the tightness in the cylinder will go away! Have fun and make smoke!

If the CB is in a box, it indicates the year the pistol was made. In the case of "CB" it indicates 2007.
The " star inside a wreath on the barrel" should be next to the letters "PN". It is one of two proof marks the gun should have. The other is a star inside a wreath above a shield with two crossed rifles in it.

The makers stamp might be a diamond with "FAP" in it (Pietta) or a view looking down a rifled barrel with a "U" in it (Uberti). Palmetto has a palm tree in a circle.

As the other folks said, the wedge should not be installed in until its shoulder hits the barrel.
If fact, the end of the wedge on the right side may be flush with the side of the barrel while the left side will be protruding out a lot.
The small screw on the left side is intended to "catch" the spring on the wedge when the wedge is disengaged from the cylinder pin. This in only to keep the wedge from getting lost when the gun is disassembled.
Thanks-I have had Colt Army and Navy's
and a Walker that all functioned with the wedge fully engaged. I know some of these repro's need fooling with.
Guess I'll let it wear in.
Markings hard to make out.CB in a box right front of frame.
Barrel has Star in wreath over "N" and another over a shield-very faint.
Two more stars in front of guard. Nothing else.

As Zonie said, the markings you've seen so far are the date code and the proof house stamps. There may be no manufacturer's mark on the frame. Try looking under the loading lever at the point where the barrel enters the frame.

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