50 cal round ball question

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Johnny McQuade

Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
while looking at bullet moulds there were two listings for 50 cal. a .490 and .495 apart from size what is the difference? is one more accurate? sorry, i'm rather new to this.
Some barrels prefer a larger ball and a thinner patch, others a smaller ball and a thicker patch. Either will work, it's just a matter of finding which ball your particular barrel prefers. You would have more options by starting with the .490 ball and a thicker patch, though.
First measure the bore diameter of your gun. That is the distance from one land to the one opposite it. The land is the " HIGH " portion of the rifling. It should be about .500". Use a caliper to do this.

If its a standard .50 caliber barrel, with a bore of .500, or .501, or, maybe even .502", You can use either. How accurate a give ball is depends on the patch thickness, and the Rate of Twist in your barrel. That is, how fast is the rifling spinning that ball?

While you are measuring bore diameter, measure the groove diameter. The depth of the groove often dictates the thickness of the patching material you use with a given ball. The patching has to fill that groove, tightly, to keep gas from cutting the patch, and even cutting the ball, which sends it off downrange who-know-where.

.490 balls tend to be easier to load, with a .015, .012, or .018" patch. With the .495" balls, they load a bit tighter, and many target shooters use them, or even .500" diameter balls to get the best accuracy from their guns. Sometimes, mallets are used to seat these large diameter balls.

How much accuracy you need depends on the use you are going to make of the rifle. If you are mostly shooting off-hand and hunting, the .490 ball is much easier to load in the field. If you are a target shooter, then consider the .495, and .500 diameter balls, along with teflon coated patches.

The best advice we can give you is the same advice we all received, and some of us followed: Buy some of each diameter, and try them both. Just be sure to measure the diameter of the balls you do buy, and shoot, to know exactly what you are shooting. Accuracy is all about consistency, and consistency requires uniformity in your components. Uniform weight, uniform thickness, uniform diameter.

Welcome to the sport, and to the forum. :thumbsup:
Some barrels prefer a larger ball and a thinner patch, others a smaller ball and a thicker patch. Either will work, it's just a matter of finding which ball your particular barrel prefers. You would have more options by starting with the .490 ball and a thicker patch, though.
Agree with scattershot...if you think in terms of manufacturing specifications, .50cal bores are 'generally' built to a spec, and .490" balls with .015" patches are sort of the nominal sizes that will usually work fine in the industry standard .50cal bore...and you can tweak looser or tighter with smaller or larger balls, thinner or thicker patches, etc.

Personally, I like .490s with .018" -.020" patches...the thicker tighter fitting patches minimize fouling and they hold more lube which also helps keep fouling soft.
Plus, I think tighter fitting amounts of thick patching material wedged down into the grooves helps impart a more positive twist rotation to the ball...no science, just my personal belief.
all the above advice covers your question as well as could be done.
lube for the patch is someting you will have to try for yourself - there was a thread started here years back that was called 'the patch lube war'. :grin:
it's advisable to avoid most petroleum based lubes as they usually cause increased carbon fouling. animal grease is a good one to use - lard will do but there are better lubes available IMO.
If you are thinking of buying a mould, you will probably be best off to try some different combos and see which ball you/your gun likes best then purchase the mold, some barrels will take a .500 ball but it is pretty tightand not usually used for hunting or general use, good luck, have fun, and enjoy the journey, there are some pretty sharp guys around here who are always ready to help out when asked, these are a lot of little things that will pop up from time to time, don't be shy the folks here are a good bunch and always offer advise when asked.
One of the many great things about muzzleloading is the fact that there are so many options that you have. As with most things, there will always be differences of opinions on any given aspect of bp shooting.I would start with a .490 rb and a pillow tick patch at about .015 thick and a non petrol lube. Geet the gun grouping with this combo and then worry about trying different combos. Enjoy!