I had my friends .50 bored out by Bobby Hoyt to .54. Of course my friend didn't have any .54 stuff so I outfitted him completely from my stash. Later I found I only had one .54 loading block and it went with my friend.
No problem says I, I will buy a 35/64" bit and make myself another block, that is until I found I could buy a bit online for $7 but the shipping would be more than the bit.
I looked through my old bit drawer and found a rusty 3/4" spade bit. I ground down the sides to the correct size and proceeded to make myself a new loading block, it worked perfectly.
Osage, from a selfbow limb with too many rotten knots to fool with that I had put in the burn pile.
No problem says I, I will buy a 35/64" bit and make myself another block, that is until I found I could buy a bit online for $7 but the shipping would be more than the bit.
I looked through my old bit drawer and found a rusty 3/4" spade bit. I ground down the sides to the correct size and proceeded to make myself a new loading block, it worked perfectly.
Osage, from a selfbow limb with too many rotten knots to fool with that I had put in the burn pile.