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A great morning!

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45 Cal.
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
The morning started off as any other with my flint smoothie in hand. sitting peacefully with it across my lap just happy to have this work of mine as pretty as it is, and functioning well. Sometimes i forget im hunting and think i'm just sitting with a fowler instead....

This morning i remembered i was hunting, and i was feverishly glassing a distant cut cornfield down a hill and across a fallow acre or two for incoming deer. It had been light for about an hour. By my reckoning they aught to be tired of munching and headed my way any instant now.

My father was about 300 yards to the north of me, and with a north breeze i had really expected him to scent push some deer to me when we got in at first light but no such luck.

After one of my "expert" glassing sessions, which revealed zip nada, i hastily lowered my glasses.......and thats when the block of pines fifteen yards to my right/north exploded and a flag of white appeared.

"Blast!" here i am glassing 200 yards away and i have a deer fifteen yards from me! at first he headed north, but quickly went down the hill and approached one of my wire fences....

the whole time he is running i am looking at his body, looking at his head, looking at his face, yup, for sure a good mature doe! hammer back!

he'll/she'll stop at that fence before he leaps it, i just know it......clang.....straight through the fence.....up to the thick pricker bush pile where he will be gone forever if he busts into it....and then an unexpected screeching halt.

quartering away hard.....70 yards.....downhill.......base of front sight sitting on buckskin....blade behind the shoulder......breeeeaaaaaaath....chk-boom!

a cloud of smoke and he's away. i listen but can't hear. that was a little further than i wanted to shoot. it happened so fast! but the shot felt great!

I stalked down to where my little brother had stood only moments before and found hair. I was a little worried that it was all white hair, but then it always looks lighter when its seperated.

two steps in the direction he went and oh my goodness. I have been fortunate enough to take many deer. and i have the good fortune of being called to nearly every trail of my friends as well.

I can honestly say i have NEVER seen a blood trail like this one. It was my first experience with a 62 cal and i must say i was impressed. every bound had liquid pouring.

30 yards or so later i came upon him as pictured.


I thought he was a big doe, but alas he turned out to be the ever sacrificial button buck. A suiting start to my fowlers service i think, and it will surely be good table fare. It always seems when it happens to fast to verify with bino's, you can be assured it is a button buck.

Thank you my little brother, your meat shall be savored and your hide worn round my back.

P.S. The wrap 10 or so inches in front of the lock is a double thickness of some buckskin left over from the last hides i made leggings with. In that thickness, at that spot, if i rest the base of the front sight on the buckskin, it is dead on for elevation at 30 yards or so. left right is still up to you as there is no "v" to sight in, but i never needed that. this just helps in case i am sitting or prone and can't get my normal stance to see "just enough barrel"

it also slips right off for cleaning and shooting shot where i don't want a front sight.
Excellent story with a good ending !, and it looks like a perfect shot,right behind the shoulder! :applause:. Anytime someone says that a flintlock smoothbore is'nt accurate with a PRB I send them to The Muzzleloader Forum. 70 yards is about my limit with my rifle so good shootin' with the smoothie. :thumbsup:
Yeah, sooner or later if a hunter also takes out some Does, accidentally getting a BB seems inevitable...never-the-less, congratulations!
Thanks guys! Yes they can be accurate. That buckskin wrap is really assuring on large game. I do ok without it but on critters i want to be sure!
:hatsoff: good hunting, good shooting and nice story.

a 70 yard smoothy shot! im impressed, thats a fine gun ya have there and yer skills are nothing to be scoffed at either.

I have seen more than a few people around here that have leather around the barrel of there smooth boars for just that reason. They were deadly accurate with them and it didn't go against the rules for such a gun. A rear sight without having what would be considered a sight.
Thanks guys! Sleeper i thought of it on my own but i was sure i wasnt the first. First place i put it broke a clay around thirty yards. Easy!

I think i underestimated the capable range of smoothbore judging from reactions here to a seventy yard shot. What is considered a normal max for smoothie?
I should add that on my heavily pastured farm, one has to try to get a story under 100 shot. With unmentionable guns 2-400 are the norm.