A Historical Surmise: No Right Answers!

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40 Cal.
Aug 30, 2004
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On January 30, 1835 an unsuccessful assassination attempt against President Andrew Jackson occurred in the United States Capitol. This was the first assassination attempt against an American President. Jackson had attended a funeral, and a man named Richard Lawrence came up to him and fired a pistol at point-blank range. The pistol (a derringer, it's believed) misfired, and before anyone could react, Lawrence pulled another pistol, and it too misfired. Instead of running or taking cover, President Jackson proceeded to beat the man over the head with his cane. The odds were astronomical that two pistols would misfire.

It's a good thing it turned out that way...but what do you think might have happened...Whaddaya think, guys? What caused the misfires? The hand of God?
Well, let's have a look at history. Had the attempt been successful, then the idea of a "secret service" would have emerged sooner and Lincoln might not have been assasinated. His plan, after freeing the slaves, was to send all the freed blacks back to Africa. This would make today's America a lot different than it is. It's like the hand of God gets in the way far too often. What if Hitler had died in WWI like he should have on at least 2 known times? What if the Brits attempt to assasinate Hitler had succeded? What if Roosevelt didn't die when he did, leaving Truman to test the A-bomb? Would FDR have used the atomic bomb against Japan? If not, would someone else have tried it out in Korea or Vietnam? What if the south had won the Civil War, of if D-Day had failed and Germany won? What would the world be like today if not for the "Hand of God"??? A little OT, but interesting questions to ponder anyway. :no: :: ::
and a man named Richard Lawrence came up to him and fired a pistol at point-blank range. The pistol (a derringer, it's believed) misfired, and before anyone could react, Lawrence pulled another pistol, and it too misfired.

Well, its a good thing those wern't smoothbore flintlocks...
The answer is simple..the assassin kept his guns in perfect condition,,well oiled...Then he loaded them and expected them to fire....now is the answer easier :youcrazy: Hope this helps
My guess is that it was indeed a procedural thing on his part, given that both pistols failed, though I wouldn't hazard a guess what. If it were flint I'd think maybe he cleaned too well and had some kind of gunk remaining in the touch hole. But a derringer?M aybe a bad load of caps?

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