A quick "Thanks"

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token tory

45 Cal.
Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
To all those who suffered through my BP birthing :shake:

I took the .44 Rem to the range today with both the original nipples (which I've been fitting & polishing) & a set of spare "Uncle Mike's Stainless" ones.

The misfire (no ignition) problem persists with the originals, no matter what I do so I simply swapped them out for the new ones after it became clear that there was no "one problem nipple".

I swapped to the CCI #11 magnum caps too, as that was what the folks at Fort Chalmers suggested I use for BP substitute. The next time right out of the gate 6 in a row with a decent 15 yd group! Yeah, thanks folks.

It also gave me a chance to try out my new 29Gr measuring powder flask. ($10.00 in the bargain bin with a measuring spout made from a center fire rifle case with the base cut off & the neck left on to allow for a bit of creative trimming for volume. :shocked2:) :youcrazy:
Hey it worked :)

OK I'm hooked this is a blast & I'm loving every minute of the madness. :rotf:
Sounds like you're well on your way! Congrats on overcoming a problem and making smoke! Glad to be of some help!

Those #11 CCI Magnums work really well! Especially for Pyro or other subs! Or in the rain during a competition! Or in the bitter cold!

In all the years I've been shooting BP revolvers, never had a misfire using Pyrodex P and RWS/Dynamit Nobel 10 1/2 caps.
What does that mean? I'm not sure, other than I wouldn't change a thing, personally.
Is/was your problem a gun problem? Not sure at this point. Just telling you what works for me.
I don't think the kind or type of powder matters (except perhaps that the substitute powders have substantially higher ignition temperatures), and the caps obviously fit your gun's nipples well.

The key to not having chain fires is to seal both the front and back of the chambers - the front with a good fitting projectile and the back with good fitting caps.

RSW 1075's fit your gun well; they may not (and on at least 3 of my guns they don't) fit well on other guns, even if they're the same model and manufacturer as yours. And they may not in the future - you may come across some that are a bit oversize - it's happened. Just make sure they fit each time and never take it for granted.
Considering that the problem was the caps not igniting on 2 chambers I think the problem is independent of the type of powder in use myself.
Could it be the CCI caps? Maybe!
Is it fixed? Oh Yeah, Baby :rotf:
mykeal said:
I don't think the kind or type of powder matters (except perhaps that the substitute powders have substantially higher ignition temperatures), and the caps obviously fit your gun's nipples well.

The key to not having chain fires is to seal both the front and back of the chambers - the front with a good fitting projectile and the back with good fitting caps.

RSW 1075's fit your gun well; they may not (and on at least 3 of my guns they don't) fit well on other guns, even if they're the same model and manufacturer as yours. And they may not in the future - you may come across some that are a bit oversize - it's happened. Just make sure they fit each time and never take it for granted.

Boy, did I misread the initial post or what? Must have had a bad case of Toyota accelerator or something - the problem was misfires, not chain fires. Gotta change the brand of coffee.

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