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A Swiss Cantonal Musket ,Model of 1851

Muzzleloading Forum

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Aug 6, 2005
Reaction score
1851, recently made an appearance on this forum but I can't find it using the search facility.

One has just been acquired here in UK by a writer on the 'Target Shooting' OLM, and I was trying to put the two of them together.

Any help much be much appreciated, especially helping to identify the use of the acorn-headed screw that sticks out of the top of the butt-plate.


Supporter of the Cape Meares Lighthouse Restoration Fund
tac, a nice find, the Swiss arms are pretty hard to find though they are more common in the US than many realize. For information, try contacting the Swiss living history site, Rost & Grünspan at:


There is some information in their "Museum" section but not on this particular model, however they are very helpful and will offer any information that they can or refer you someone that can help.