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I haven't actually researched it and can't tell you when it was first done but can tell you it was Mr. Linclon's war which really brought canned goods into common use.
BillinOregon said:
Noting the mention of condensed milk and canned peaches in the hardtack thread, when do "airtights" of such goods appear?

You can go back a little farther and find the use of canned goods by Napoleon's army in the late 1790's and early 1800's. The British army followed suit in the Peninsular war.
Napoleon's Army came up with canned goods. Franklin's expedition to find the Northwest Passage took a lot of canned goods along. The lead soldered seams caused a lot of brain damage along the way and the expedition disappeared. Every advance finds a brave new problem to solve.

Many Klatch
Many Klatch said:
The lead soldered seams caused a lot of brain damage along the way and the expedition disappeared.

Hmm, according to some on this board, lead poses no heath risks and anyone who says it does is an eco-whacko. :wink:
Quoting Many Klatch.
" The lead solder seams caused a lot of brain damage" :barf:
I think that we are all perefectly sane after many years of casting lead, rolling it in our fingers, putting balls in our mouth, and all the other peculiar practices, with lead, and our muzzleloaders.
That is why it is perferctly ok to walk around, with one or more pistols in our belts, a bowie, and a hawk as well.
Along with some dead animal attached to our head,
coupled with some animal skin draped over our bodies.
Meanwhile, proudly cooking some roadkill in our firepit.
I think the emphasis of lead in our food, and around us is over-rated.
( wait a minute my three-eyed son is trying to pluck our cat)
I can't really focus some times....where was I ?
So " Many Klatch" come on over for supper sometime, I make mighty fine beans, in my lead lined cast iron duch oven. :grin: :grin:
Best Regards
Old Ford
Three eyed son,maybe we's related...Shore hated when they took the lead outta that Gasoleen,my sniffers never been the same.