Here's another box - similar to the last one, but smaller. I formed a cone from a really thick portion of a horn and turned it into a mild bell shape. As I removed material the nice color I was hoping to have disappeared and the part became mostly clear. One of the interesting things about working with horn is that what one ends up with is not, necessarily, what one intended. So it's fun to make adjustments as the form progresses.
I turned the base and lid from the same block of maple as the last box but stained it LMF "Honey Maple" this time. I also made sure that the Canadian silver dime was pre-68.
Size - 2-1/2' dia. at the base x 3-1/4" high.
I turned the base and lid from the same block of maple as the last box but stained it LMF "Honey Maple" this time. I also made sure that the Canadian silver dime was pre-68.
Size - 2-1/2' dia. at the base x 3-1/4" high.