From what I understand, that shipment came to Luna Tech in 2000 & is cleaner burning than the 1993 shipment, but still dirty, burns slow & at a musket powder burn rate. In a flintlock you may have delayed ignition time.
The old stuff I tried was terrible. Extremely dirty, slow ignition & low velocity. Just crap powder. Extremely inconsistant in velocity too. As much as I hate to admit it, it was the only thing I have shot worse than Elephant & the Elephant I had about 2 yrs ago was horrendous fouling crap, accurate but terrible fouling....
Most of the guys that I know that shoot Wano use it shoot it in ML shotguns at skeet & etc. when doing allot of shooting & practice & etc., or they are shooting volume & will shoot anything cheap & this was it at the time. Same way with the Lidu powder... Don't know Anyone that actually likes the stuff... (That should make someone chime in, huh ?)
If I was you I would buy the Scheutzen, Goex, or Swiss. The Scheutzen I have is superb & just slightly better than the Goex it was compared to, just slightly cleaner burning than the Goex, but in all other areas it was almost exactly the same. Cheaper to buy tho.. Don't know about the new shipment of Scheutzen that is in, as it is still being tested & have not heard any results yet.
Swiss is Top Dog (IMHO) an just a tad more expensive to shoot, but not allot. Most guys look at the price per can & forget you are using 20-25% less volume per load, so a can of Swiss gives you 25% more loads. Last time I figured it on a 40 caliber I think it came out to a penny & 1/2 cents per shot more to shoot Swiss in a 40 cal. than Goex at the time. Would need to refigure it now cause prices have changed..
Rough easy to figure tho on a price comparison. Take the price of the Goex & add 20-25% to the price. (That will make the price even to the Swiss because you will use 20-25% less S)
Now divide that Goex price by the number of shots you get per pound.
Now take the Swiss price & divide it by the same number of shots per pound.
Subtract the price of the Goex from the Swiss & you have the price dif. The Swiss cost ? more to shoot per shot in the ? caliber you are shooting.
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