Anyone ever make their own paper cartridges?

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50 Cal.
Nov 25, 2004
Reaction score
New England
I have heard that some people have made pre-measured rounds out of cigarette paper for shooting in cap and ball guns. Has anyone here ever done that? How well does it work?
The muzzleloading guy at the local gunshop has done that. He tells me it's easy to do if you have the right materials. Also the possible shop has the supplies for just that.

bigbore442001 said:
I have heard that some people have made pre-measured rounds out of cigarette paper for shooting in cap and ball guns. Has anyone here ever done that? How well does it work?

They can be either round or tapered, depending on what you like. The thought seems to be that the paper should be washed with a saturated wash of potasium nitrate which may or may not really be necessary. Did't do it myself but things worked O.K. They work pretty well but you can oly get about 15 to 20 grains in them so they're only good for plinking. Another thought is to push a small bit of onion-skin paper in the bottom sinceit should work easier than the cigarette paper...didn't do that one either but thought I'd throw it out for whatever it's worth. Have fun!
I have made them for my smooth pistol. Worked good and was faster. the cig-paper is nitrated all ready from the factory. Dilly
what des nitration do to the paper? i roll paper to hold premeasured powder and shot, and i used computer paper. i did not see any negative effects, but i shot them within a day or two. why nitrate?
Potassium Nitrate is an oxidizer. When paper is saturate with a solution of Potassium Nitrate and water and allowed to dry it lets the paper burn faster and more completely then plain paper would.
:v If you can get cigarette papers, I don't think you'll need to nitrate them. I buy 20#rag stock paper and soak them in a solution of potassium nitrate in water for a couple of hours and then hang 'em up to dry. I use the same solution to make slo-match as well. Around here if I go into a "Smoke Shop" and ask for cigarette papers their eyes scream "POTHEAD." I don't need that crap at age 76 so I prefer my rag stock. Now there were several posts on paper cartridges on MLF, so so a search I am positive you will find plenty of information. BTW potassium nitrate has a flat solubility curve so 2 TBSP / quart of water is plenty saturated.:thumbsup:
Where do you get the KNO3 these days.

The local drug store used to carry it, but not any longer.

I went to a tobacco shop today and picked up some paper. Took my new queen anne out back and fired it with the paper and it worked quite good.

JD, I ordered potassium nitrate at my local drug store. No restrictions, no ID, no problem. They just don't keep it on the shelves anymore, so I had about a week wait. I ordered single pound containers, around five bucks. Ask, I'm sure they'll take care of you.
If you look in back of Dixie Gun Catalog there is article about using the Cig-papers to make paper charges. Dilly
Pasquenel said:
:v If you can get cigarette papers, I don't think you'll need to nitrate them. I buy 20#rag stock paper and soak them in a solution of potassium nitrate in water for a couple of hours and then hang 'em up to dry. I use the same solution to make slo-match as well. Around here if I go into a "Smoke Shop" and ask for cigarette papers their eyes scream "POTHEAD." I don't need that crap at age 76 so I prefer my rag stock. Now there were several posts on paper cartridges on MLF, so so a search I am positive you will find plenty of information. BTW potassium nitrate has a flat solubility curve so 2 TBSP / quart of water is plenty saturated.:thumbsup:

Dad-Gummit Pas...if you need some papers I'll send you some. Not at the age where I care what anyone thinks!! :shocked2: Always liked the wheat-straw ones myself, their tan color was kind'a fun to have stuck in your lips when you pulled up next to a car full of gendarms!! :rotf:
I got mine from Amazon believe it or not. It cost about 18 Dollars per pound. Just got one. Going to experiment with paper cartridges soon.
Ive used, unprinted newspaper. It works real well, soft paper, but strong enough for the cartridges not to fall apart whilst carried in the pouch. The ones Ive made are the ones they bit open and poured down the barrel.
I make paper cartridges regularly in hunting season.Easy and fast loading.Just like on the battlefields 200 years ago.Tear,prime,ram,shoot.
Excellent for duckhunting.#6 or 8 shots in toiletpaper pack + hornetnest wadding+ 110Grain ffg (for 75 cal Bess)and the ducks and grouse just keep falling... :) I use regular printer paper.No nitration necessary.
keep poppin'those guns
use cigarette paper,works well and you don't have to treat it.
i make them for my 1862 sharps percussion and have
no problems.
get the largest ones you can,makes it easier .
you should be able to make cartriges that hold
70 grs 3f including the bullet or ball
I use brown paper bags, no nitration. The paper is stout enough to hold together in a cartrige box, and provides a good gas seal in place of the usual patch. Something we need to be aware of is that most stationary-type paper is impregnated with assorted chemicals and clays for brightness and sizing purposes. These tend to be somewhat abrasive, as does the wood pulp that the paper itself is made from. (I actually use heavy drawing paper to strop the edges on the knives I make.) Brown paper is unbleached and unsized, so I only have to be concerned about the wood fibres. Of course, if I could find some CHEAP rag or linen bond, this concern would be relieved!
Try using Butcher paper- the white kind- for paper cartridges. its .004" thick making it thick enough and strong enough for this purpose, yet it does not have granite powder imbedded in its surface to aid in accepting ink and pencil " lead ".