It's not exactly in your backyard, but since no one else has invited you to it yet, please feel welcome to attend the National Muzzleloading Rifle Association's National Shoot in Friendship Indiana. It is June 12-20 this year, and the National Championship will be Sept. 11-19. If you can only make it for a day (better yet, a weekend)go for the opening weekend.
In that week, there's more shooting than you could do in a month, and you can see the best of each of the many muzzleloading disciplines, and you can meet some of the nicest and most welcoming folks you'll meet in your lifetime.
There are also NMLRA territorial shoots across the country, including the rifle and pistol matches May 7-9 hosted by the Fort Osage ML Club.
They are near Lexington, MO. I can get you more information on these shoots, or various missouri ML clubs if you'd like.