Anyone using KIK powder?

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32 Cal.
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
I have been shooting Swiss (my first powder, my first ML) and am very happy with it. However, I can see that shooting a ML is a powder-intensive activity, and it's time to stock up. KIK powder recieved a good review (sorry, lost the link) and is much less expensive than Swiss, but I'd like to hear from someone who's used it before I get involved with a group order.
If you aren't absolutely sold on KIK, you might try Schuetzen or Graf & Sons powder (made by the same company, just different labels.) It's the same price or a little cheaper than GOEX, and works lots better for me. Just another option to consider...

I really like the KIK powder. Two 25 lb. orders in the last year between myself and a couple of friends.
I will order it again when I need more. No complaints whatsoever.
Idaho PRB
I have used KIK for the last two years and really like it. I just bought ten pounds of GOEX FFFg because I could get it for $10 a pound and because Powder Inc. was out of KIK 3F.

KIK is a poor man's Schuetzen and has about the same charateristics. It cleans up a little easier and is a little hotter than GOEX. It is not as hot as the Swiss you have been using so you will probably have to monkey with the charge to get the same groups you are getting with Swiss.
Thanks for the replies :thumbsup: .
This price diffrernce between the KIK and Swiss is significant :shocked2: , and if it cleans up well, so much the better. I just wanted to make sure somebody was satisfied with the performance before I made an order.

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