I have an Armi Sport 1842 Smoothbore Musket for sale. I got an Pedersoli 1816 Musket last year which I like better so I am selling this one.
- Made in 2018, the gun is in very good condition
- There are no major stock scratches or dings.
- Hammer has a few blemishes on it, Armi Sport sent me a replacement hammer which I will include
- I have also an extra lockplate I will include as well.
- Wood color is fairly even but my flash is making parts of it look light.
- I also have the original box.
- Price $800 + shipping
- Made in 2018, the gun is in very good condition
- There are no major stock scratches or dings.
- Hammer has a few blemishes on it, Armi Sport sent me a replacement hammer which I will include
- I have also an extra lockplate I will include as well.
- Wood color is fairly even but my flash is making parts of it look light.
- I also have the original box.
- Price $800 + shipping