Cheap mills are generally worth a lot less than what you pay for them, the primary reason is spindle and spindle bearing diameter. A lot of the import cheap mills use a drill press spindle, add one more bearing and call it a mill. The spindle is small, the bearings are small, and you have a machine that lacks dramatically in rigidity. The headstock is generally light and small, and this contributes to a lack of rigidity also. You end up making TINY cuts to keep it from chattering, you can't properly load the tool so the tool life is awful because you are rubbing it to death instead of cutting. It takes longer to do on the 'mill' than a guy that has done a few dovetails with a hacksaw, chisel and file takes, and the quality isn't any better. If you don't have compound feed you still end up using a file to taper the dovetail anyway also, unless you want to stake your dovetails. Personally I don't stake dovetails, I fit them properly and if a critical dovetail like the front sight on a firearm you may stake your life on I will pin the sight once it is fitted and zero'd.