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bad caps or hardware issue

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Sounds like your nipple has slightly mushroomed enouth to need two strikes to properly seat the cap to strike the rim of the nipple. Had this problem with italian rifle nipples. Just need to slightly file the rim top of the nipple. Problem solved.
Amazing to me how many people blame the cap for a failure to fire & not give any thought to how the particular cap they have fits the nipple that is on the gun. Caps vary a slight amount dimensionally between manufacturers, but nipples are dimensionally are all over the map. With todays quality control procedures, does anyone think there would be a 30 or 40% failure rate with any percussion cap????? Get the right nipple that your cap fits & your "cap" problems will more than likely go away.
Ok, so I just re-tested my caps that I think are no-good. And they aren't. Firmly seated on nipple, no go. Not first whack, not second whack. Left compound in flash hole. Whacked 3 of 'em on a hard surface with a big hammer, no pops, do have a cinder block showing impact damage. Tried with opening up, opening down, and with opening to the side. Have filled out contact form with CCI/Speer.
Ok, so I just re-tested my caps that I think are no-good. And they aren't. Firmly seated on nipple, no go. Not first whack, not second whack. Left compound in flash hole. Whacked 3 of 'em on a hard surface with a big hammer, no pops, do have a cinder block showing impact damage. Tried with opening up, opening down, and with opening to the side. Have filled out contact form with CCI/Speer.
You know dang well that most are not going to read this and continue to offer "helpful" replies. lol
I had about 10 caps out of a can not fire and clog my rifle nipple a couple weeks back, CCI #11. I figured they got damp somehow on the bench. Another thing you might watch for is cap debris getting stuck inside the "cup" of the hammer and dampening the blow of the hammer.
Ok, so I just re-tested my caps that I think are no-good. And they aren't. (???) Firmly seated on nipple, no go. Not first whack, not second whack. Left compound in flash hole. Whacked 3 of 'em on a hard surface with a big hammer, no pops, do have a cinder block showing impact damage. Tried with opening up, opening down, and with opening to the side. Have filled out contact form with CCI/Speer.
Sounds as if the caps are no good. Let us know what you hear from CCI.
"the new CCI #11s I got a few days ago"

In light of recent shortages and since it appears the problem caps were a recent purchase it should be real interesting to learn what CCI has to say. Makes one wonder if there might be a bad batch of new production caps out there.
Just spoke with the nice guy at CCI Support.

This particular lot was made about 2 years ago he said. Unsure as to why WallyWorld would have that old stock...

Anyway, they can't have me ship 'em back since they are HAZMAT, and they don't have any on-hand to send as replacments, so they are sending me a check for the MSRP value.

Mean time, I've got a few other walmarts to check and I know what lot number to avoid. Also have 4 tins of the bad lot I've not opened - maybe it was just one bad can? Dunno... no obvious water damage on paper in packaging, etc. Oh well.
Lot E09D302 - was made a few years ago according to the VOTP at CCI (voice on the phone - nice guy very helpful) This is first report of that lot number he can find in their trouble/ticket system. He agrees after hearing of my thwackit test that they are bad. Unfortunately, they can't receive hazmat to get 'em back and investigate them, and they have non to send to me as replacements. So a check is on its way to me.

I've heard from one other person on another forum that has some from the same lot he just got yesterday, and if/when he tells me of any test results I'll update.

But this is a fairly solved issue.