Ballistol on shooting patches?

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40 Cal.
Nov 29, 2005
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What proptions of water and Ballistol on shooting patches. How do you soak them and let them dry, what is the process for using them as dry shooting patch ? Can you use any other product besides ballistol [don't have any]to mix with water, for dry shooting patch.
I use a combination of water soluable oil from NAPA with water in a one to 7 part mix, add one part of alchohol and one part of pinesole. This is my patch lube and my cleaning solution.

I soak the patches in a plastic container, lay them out so that they are flat with no edges hanging over the side of the table. This ensures that there will not be more lube on one end of the patch string then the other.

At the end of the day it takes just a few soaked patches and sole dry ones to completely clean my rifles. I've been doing this for 20 years and have never seen rust in the guns. Afterwards I use a patch with oil. Currently using KROIL on the patch before storing the gun for my next session.
Do a search here for Stumpys Moose Milk, Its a dry patch method > Dilly
Dilly Right shoot all day thats good stuff. Use it wet or dry. Just spent a day at a scout camp and over 100 rounds fired without having to stop and clean in the rifles using Stumpys Moose Milk can't say that for some other lubes used that day. Fox :hatsoff:
I haven't tried any other water soluble oils besides Ballistol. It works too well to switch! :)

I mix it with 5-7 parts of water depending on the gun. You'll need to tinker to find out what your gun prefers. Then soak or spray the patches and let them dry out. This leaves behind the perfect amount of Ballistol. If you try to lube them with straight Ballistol, they get really wet and don't perform well. A little Ballistol goes a long way.

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