Barrel inletting ques.

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32 Cal.
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Guys - I'm working on my A. Verner rifle and have successfully squared off the end of the channel for a nice flush barrel fit. However, after watching Turpin's video, he call for 1.5 inches from the breech end of the barrel to where the trigger will be placed. Seems like I have another .5 inch to go.

Now, if I leave the barrel where it's at, I will have to drill through the breech plug to instal the flash hole liner. If I move it back, it will be in front.

Any suggestions? Maybe I don't have a problem, just a choice?


Trigger placement is dependant on the sear position of the lock you are using, not the barrel breech. It is not uncommon on old guns, to find a breech plug that is internally angled to allow powder access to the vent, but it is not the best situation, if one has a choice. My advice would be, put the vent just in front of the plug face, Inlet your lock, put the trigger where it will work properly, and don't worry about it. If this is an inletted precarve, you need to get the lock set where it will be and put the barrel breech where it needs to be for vent alignment.
While Turpin's video is good, I would also suggest "The Gunsmith of Grenville County" as another building resource, before you go too much farther. Very well worth the 40 bucks. Available from Track of the Backorder, but it's in stock. The video's ok, but it's a pain when ya gotta keep reviewing an area. Just my two pence. Bill
As Wick says, if the lock is not inletted the face of the breech plug dictates where the lock will be. The locks sear dictates where the trigger will be and going one step further, the trigger will dictate where the butt plate will be.

I don't know how someone can make a blanket statement like the trigger will be 1 1/2 inches behind the breech end of the barrel.
Actually, it depends totally on the lock sear arm location.

If this is a pre-inlet stock, I find it difficult to believe the barrel channel would stop 1/2 inch forward of where it should be, but then I haven't bought pre inlet stocks from very many makers.

If it is pre-inlet, locate the center of the locks pan on the stocks wood with a pencil and position the barrel so that the face of the breech plug will be about 1/8 to 3/16 behind this mark.

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