Thanks for all the input. I had actually gone ahead and ordered the tools from Barry King before anybody had a chance to respond. I got the 28oz tapered maul and the #3 tight curve Bissonnette edger. Both are beautifully made and the edger works wonderfully. I'll probably order the standard Bissonnette edger too, in the same size. The maul works great too. So far I've stamped a holster and a belt using it. If I find it lacking at some point in the future, I'll get a Bearmaul or a rawhide maul from Osborne.
I have a screw-cutting lathe but at this point in time, I'd rather spend whatever spare time I have working on leather projects than trying to make tools that I can readily buy. I'm trying to improve upon what is commonly available at Tandy and I know I can't make better tools than I can buy from the pros.