Battle of Wyoming event

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54 Cal.
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score

This is a combined CL and BB event, involving hundreds of reenactors. Redcoats, tories, Indians, militia, line units, horse and artillery are expected. July 16th and 17th on private grounds near Mt Cobb PA (3.5 miles off of I-84). This will be the largest gathering of Rev War soldiers in the history of Northeast PA.
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sounds like something good. could you give me some info onwhat happens on sat. the 16th. We may have meet at last years wyoming monument dedecation, or maybe two years ago at the Newtown battle in Elmia. I was the militia guy that just showed up. I also had a small muzzleloader show at Laceyville last year, I,m making plans for this year as we "type" Oct. 1&2.
hey wild i will be there ..falling in with 1st maryland as a displaced delaware in their ranks..
Hello, I was hoping you guys might fill me in as to how the event went. The Wyoming Valley is a days canoe trip from my settlement and a favorite study. info or pictures would be greatly recieved , Bushdog
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Thanks for the info & pics, looks to have been a happening Event! Is this a annual event? I'd really like to be there, if so. :v Bushdog
I don't see this happening next year, at least on this scale. These events cost many thousands of dollars to put on, in logistics and support.