bear and antelope sausage

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Nov 25, 2010
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I was lucky enough to take a small black bear, and I have a doe antelope tag. :hmm: I was thinking about making bear and antelope sausage.

Has anyone tried this mix?
You might consider calling DZIUK'S MEAT MARKET in Castroville, TX & ask their "sausage master" for his opinion.
(Dziuk's has been making a great deal of sausages from customer's game for 3 generations or more & they are GREAT FOLKS to deal with.)

Their "DeParisi" (Pronounced, here: DEE-pa-ree-cee) raw beef, bread crumbs & spices mixture is ADDICTIVE, btw.
(NO, they won't tell what the recipe is.)
Folks in south TX have been eating the stuff, smeared on crackers or French bread, and without "getting sick" for about a century.

yours, satx
Having harvested and eaten both myself, I don't think I would.
A good sausage does require some fats, either beef or pork fat added right?
I'd make sausage for sure, but keep'm separate
I don't know what part of the state you're in but the Stanley has a meatloaf that they won a lot of awards for. It's elk and buffalo and has some grated carrot and the outside is wrapped in bacon. Sort of a round log "loaf" so when you get a slice it is round with an outer rim of bacon. I had it one time- pretty good.
I tried deer sausage about 40 years ago. Ain't done that again. I don't like mixin meats and you must do that with wild game sasuage. Every bear and antelope I have eaten were regular cuts and great. In fact the best game I have ever eaten was an antelope I killed a few years ago---- EXCEPT GREY SQUIRRELS--- which are the very best of all especially with hot biscuits and squirrel gravy.
sidelock said:
In fact the best game I have ever eaten was an antelope I killed a few years ago---- EXCEPT GREY SQUIRRELS--- which are the very best of all especially with hot biscuits and squirrel gravy.
That opinion is a very historically correct one, sidelock. :wink:
Wm Blane, in the Illinois territory, 1822, said:

"The people are very fond of the flesh of the squirrel, roasting it, and making it into pies, soups, &c.; and indeed, for my part, I do not think I ever tasted more delicate or delicious meat."

I agree with both of you, but I'm mighty fond of squirrel and dumplings.

I'd vacum seal the lean antelope meat so you can enjoy it over the next 2 years and eat up that yummy bear before the fat starts to go off. (never seen antelope meat so I am just assuming it is lean)

No harm in mixing a pound or two of each together and running it thru the grinder. Everything tastes better with bear fat in it!
ddoyle said:
I'd vacum seal the lean antelope meat so you can enjoy it over the next 2 years and eat up that yummy bear before the fat starts to go off. (never seen antelope meat so I am just assuming it is lean)

Yea it is rabbit lean

ddoyle said:
No harm in mixing a pound or two of each together and running it thru the grinder. Everything tastes better with bear fat in it!

:thumbsup: that was my thought, I packaged two bags 1/2 pound each of bear meat to mix with some amount of antelope and grind. Then I'll split that up and add spice, cook it up in a pan and see what I get. The butcher at the little Mexican Grocer says he will mix me up chorizo spice if I want to try making that sausage :idunno:
I mentioned this thread about bear and lean meat sausage at supper tonight. Everyone agreed (with greasy bear lips) that while it might be acceptable to chuck a hare in with the bear to stretch it that nothing was gonna taste as good as a bear roast with maybe a hint of ginger/salt/pepper. That bear spent alot of time eating all the yummiest things in the forest- berries, mushroom, baby critters, and to think that the Mexican grocer has anything better on tap might be asking too much. Save the disguise spice for the days when your forced to eat chicken/pork/beef. :grin:

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