Bear Bag and Sheep Powder Horn

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54 Cal.
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Won these at a shoot recently, thought they were pretty neat looking. The only thing is the bag is much larger than it looks, hair is about 5" long.

WOW...I need to come to Utah for shooting matches if thats the kind of prizes they give away!!!! Here in Ga. you get a CVA capper for 1st place in the flint agg. or Ripstop pouch and plastic speed-loaders for the primitive match. :what: :huh: side note....not that I could win's just more fun to shoot and miss for good prizes than it is for bad 'uns. :cry: Congrats on the prize. :master:I have a fiberglass ramrod for trade if you're interested. :: :crackup: ::
It has to be that way because it's solid and very thin on the small end. It has a 3" or so piece of buffalo horn set into a piece of osage orange to form the pour spout. You can see it better in this picture.

Wow, that's some mighty fine looking plunder! Very unique. I've seen some photos of old Spanish powder horns they used for their escopetas and they poured from a spout in the large end of the horn.
Several have tried to trade me out of it because it's so different looking but I think I'll keep it. Interesting about the Spanish horns. Were they cow horns?
Here's another set of Buffalo horns(powder and priming)
That I won a couple of months ago that will go with the flint rifle that I won at Ft. Bridger. I've been real lucky shooting this yr.

("I've been real lucky shooting this year") I should say so. Actually, i bet there must be just a bit of natural SKILL involved too.:: :: Congrats on your wins.
"I've been real lucky shooting this yr.".......and that's why they call me DEADEYE!
Very nice plunder fer a little luck.. :imo:

They say skill is much prefered over luck. But I'll take a little of that luck any old day.

The lucky part is the shooters who could beat my socks off didn't show up that day.