bear fat..............

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62 Cal.
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
whats involved in rendering yer own bear fat....i would like to know before this bear season is here....and what part of say stumpys sauces would it be good fer or is it going to be to much trouble fer me to deal with....inquireing minds need to know...................bob
Well, I spend too much time on here and not enough time rendering fat, so here is some info I received from a fellow on another board. I just haven't tried it yet.

My goal in rendering bear fat down is getting the oil since I read so much about it being used as a patch lube in days of old. I was told many things about rendering, like boil it good to get all the water out otherwise it would turn rancid, and that it would not last long in general. This information was word of mouth, but not from people who were doing it. It gave me a starting point but turned out not to be good information. I will try and pass on what I have learned from trial and error. I am still learning and this is not the final word.

The smell of rendering fat is rather strong and
Riley thanks for posting the way to cook the fat down. I think when it comes time to render down ol Dixie that may be the way I do it.
