Bear oil

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Apr 3, 2004
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Lordy, I had totally forgotten about two 8 oz bottles of bear oil we were given by an old trapper from up in the Adirondacks, near 10 year ago. Just uncovered them from storage, talk about lucky. I think I saw somewhere a 70/30 ratio, oil to beeswax was a good patch lube, this correct?

I'm not sure about the mix Swamprat but I read somewhere that bear oil was the best for patch lube. Something about the fact that bear oil, won't damage the BP.

"The Chuckster" ::
Yes- I would mix it with something to thicken it. I used to use bear oil and bear grease for lube back when I first started shooting BP- 1973.
: If you can get your hands on some of the fat from the guts(not outside fat, but the fat that's around the intestines, you have the makin's for good oil.
; The outside fat is good for making shortening for pie crusts & for a summer patch lube for hunting.
; Oh yeah - use a very low heat for 'trying' out the oil.
: As well, marmot oil is also very good- patch lube and waterproofer for leather. You can take a handfull of the innards fat, and rub it into the leather of your boots for an excellent waterproofer. It is so good, you can barely wash this oil from your hands with a good soap.
; the reason for these fine oil, bear's oil and marmot oil, is for a cold weather lube that won't freeze, yet will allow several shots without cleaning. They don't work well for extended shooting sessions - for me, anyways.
Just pull some oily fat from the gut cavity and use medium to low heat.
; "Shot" this one when out gopher shooting. It is a big one- look at the relative closness of gut to ground and thickness of legs. Yes- this is a big one.

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