Bear steaks

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Apr 3, 2004
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Ok I have some nice bear steaks from a young bear, whats the best way to prepare them so's I wanna go out and get more! :grin:
Swamp Rat said:
Ok I have some nice bear steaks from a young bear, whats the best way to prepare them so's I wanna go out and get more! :grin:
best way is to prepare them IN new york..near my house would be bestest,,, :thumbsup:
I like to use a marinade for mine.
I use the following;
Montrial Steak Seasoning 1/4 cup
Garlic Powder 1 Tablespoon
Onion Powder 1 Tablespoon
Black Pepper 1/2 Tablespoon
Paprica 1/2 Tablespoon
Salt 1/2 Tablespoon
Worstshire sauce 2 Tablespoon

I mix the dry spices in a 1 gallon ziplock bag,
add the liquid, mix it up and add the meat, mix the whole thing in the ziplock untill the meat is covered, and let sit overnight in the frig.
This is for thawed meat. This recipe works great on the grill or other open fire. I have also used it in the broiler in the oven. It should cover 2-3 steaks. Also works for Moose as well. Good Eating.
Bears can have trichinosis so you need to cook it pretty good. Probably braise it in a pan with onions, etc for an hour or so.
I grill 'em the same way as my regular beef steaks except bear needs to be well cooked due to trichinosis. Unlike venison it doesn't dry out on the grill.
RC said:
Swamp Rat said:
Ok I have some nice bear steaks from a young bear, whats the best way to prepare them so's I wanna go out and get more! :grin:
best way is to prepare them IN new york..near my house would be bestest,,, :thumbsup:

My Buddy said he cooks his in Wine on low heat for about an hour then Adds Onions and fresh Mushrooms cooking for another 20 minutes.Then He scoops it all in the Garbage and goes to KFC.... :rotf: I couldn't help it......That was actually told to me as a deer recipe.
I like Bear...especially if it's dead.
I know it needs to be cooked well done. I've eaten bear for a few years now, just looking for something new to try. Thank you Flintlock75, your recipe sounds good and we'll have to try it.
I've eaten bear only once, butit was THE BEST meat I've ever eaten, bar none.
I marinated it in a mix of Goya Adobo seasoning and Balsamic vinegar in the fridge for a few days, then smoked it at a Boy Scout campout. From 8 pounds of meat, there was not even the smallest morsel to be found after dinner. Nothing fancy, just fantastic.
If you want to get a bit crazy, maybe make some bear bologna.
by steaks do you mean chops - like t-bones and such? if so marinate and grill fairly well done over medium heat while basting near the end of cooking. I've cooked bear 'chops' that way, very good eating the bear was taken in an apple orchard early December.
I've eaten roast from haunch of same bear too - some of the diners said it was very good eating and I agreed.
I had been a Chef for a long time and love Bear. The Marinade/rub looks like a good one. I usually braise or stew Bear meat to assure any pathogens are destroyed and still yield a moist end product. If the steaks are from the rib or sirloin grilling will be fine, any other cut I would stew or braise. The classic Hunter's style, braised in tomato, onions and mushrooms with some Brandy or red wine and then thicken the cookinq liquid into a gravy (with the other ingredients stirred back into it) is a wild game masterpiece. Bon Appetit! :thumbsup:
I have never harvested a bear myself,but I
have a friend that did....Actually it was his
wifes bear.She got it with handgun. I don't
know what part of the bear they used,but they made a stew of it....A lot of stew. There was a
lot of their own fresh garden veggies,and I know
I tasted either Port Wine or some other type
of Red Wine.But I do know it was one of the best
stews I have ever eaten.
I have ask him for his recipe thinking I could
convert it to venison.He won't give it up.
I think I know it all,except when,or at what
point to add the wine or sherry.I am thinking
almost at the end.
snake-eyes :hmm:

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