Let me start by clearly saying, I am Not against trapping.
In the case of thise pond and damn however, I hope no one ever traps these beaver. They have done me a huge favor, and I think overall have had a positive benefit to this area.
The water to the pond side of the damn in the second picture covers what used to be a state forest road. It's about 1.3 miles up the mountain from the gate at the bottom, there is another .5 mile past it. This damn has limited access to that last half mile or so. The change has been incredible. More animals, less litter. There are still scum bags who creep in from the private land past the end of the road and shoot bottles and trash in the road, but the disturbances is greatly reduced.
It is also now one of the most beautiful spots on the mountain. Both because the worst of my elevation gain is behind me, and because it is just plain pretty.
Is crossing the damn a little dicey? Does it add time at oh-dark-hundred getting to my stand? Yes! But, it is well worth it.
Between that damn and a newer one below it, and the one a little over a mile above and beyond it,
With a great rocky stream with little waterfalls connecting them,,,, those hard working, furry little engineers have made this a much better place to hunt, scout, and hike.
If only we could get some more two legged members of our society to work as hard. (And automotive design engineers to work as smart as these engineers)