Bedford lock plate

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40 Cal.
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
I'm a damn good stocker and builder and fair at metal work. I would like to build a double bedford and have tryed to build a left hand plate useing the small siler kit and to be honest,it sucked.It sucked real bad! :cursing:
Any help would be appretiated. P.s. Time is not a factor, Had surgery today replacing 2 thumb joints in right hand and rotator cuff is next,no sympathy :nono: , just a lot of time to get this done

You may find that L&R has a Bedford lock and it may also come in a left hand version.

Good luck with the surgery!
Would you explane what the problem is as I don't understand. I don't know if I can help but can try.

Sorry, I forgot, Good luck with your surgery. Let me know what the problem is,maybe able to help.

Well Olie, I'm wanting to build a double barrel Bedford and need a left hand Bedford lock,and am attempting to make a new plate using a right hand plate as a pattern, then use left hand internals to make the lock. I'm no machinist and my attempts aren't working, so I guess I need to hire this work out to someone who could do this for me. Ps. the surgery went fine,in 6 months good as new, Thanks. :thumbsup: Pathfinder
Is the right hand "Bedford" lockplate beveled or flat?
If flat, you could machine or file the inner protrusion on the lockplate of a right handed one (flint or percussion) off, make a new one (the inside little block) and silver solder it on the other side?
The hammer etc. might be a different matter.....
just a thought, I have never done this, but it might work.
If it is the L&R version, this probably will not work.
Who knows? :hmm:
I was looking at locks and no one makes a left hand Bedford but L&R makes a right and a left hand clasic lock that has a long tail kindof like a Bedford. Would something like this work? Now I know that it is not perfect but it may work.

If I want two parts the same I glue them together with airplane glue.You have to degrease them with brake cleaner or alchol. Can you get some cold rolled steel and glue it to the lock plate you have and cut it out and file it to shape glued together. Don't get them to hot or they will fall apart. Then can you put the Siler parts on the new plate?

When it comes to bar locks I am no good. I buy finished locks. I bought a lock to assemble and it is still not done.

Hope this helps.
I was looking at locks and no one makes a left hand Bedford but L&R makes a right and a left hand clasic lock that has a long tail kindof like a Bedford. Would something like this work? Now I know that it is not perfect but it may work.

If I want two parts the same I glue them together with airplane glue.You have to degrease them with brake cleaner or alchol. Can you get some cold rolled steel and glue it to the lock plate you have and cut it out and file it to shape glued together. Don't get them to hot or they will fall apart. Then can you put the Siler parts on the new plate?

When it comes to bar locks I am no good. I buy finished locks. I bought a lock to assemble and it is still not done.

Hope this helps. Get well soon.

Got two replies, don't know why. Sometimes it works, sometime it doesn't.

Are you doing percussion or flint? A percussion lock would be simpler, but a flint left lock would not be too hard either.

Make your lockplates out of 3/16" cold (or hot) rolled sheet steel (plain mild steel). The "Bolster" can be silver soldered on. Use the "guts" from L and R Siler lock kits, and the Siler lockplates can be used as a hole drilling template.

I see one problem, How are you going to get a left hand Bedford Cock or Hammer. You may want to get the cocks or hammers to get the right throw.

It's going to be flint,If I can't even make a lock plate that works half way decent, how the heck am I going to cast a left hand hammer?[all I have left for the next 6 months is a left hand! :rotf:] I suppose its time to get serious and buy a drill press. Whats next, a T.V. and a microwave? :shocked2:


Did you look at the right and left hand flint locks that you can buy, to see if one of these may work. I have a book on Bedford rifles and most were percussion. One picture showed a double rifle with two side-slapper locks, a right & a left.

I bought a small drill press for $60-$70 with a 1/4 HP motor. I trued the table with a dial indicator. It works great for small parts like lock and triggers.

Hope you get better
Olie :)
Walked into Sears and bought a drill press. As soon as I'm healed, look out world, I'll be a buildin' beast! :blah: I should have bought one years ago But I was brought up and taught by my VERY polish grandfather who was the consumate Ludite! PS. Thanks to all for all the well wishes on my surgery's,it really helps,Thanks again :hatsoff:
Good luck with the drill press. You can buy a microwave to dry wood for stocks in. :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
