Bees wax on powder horn

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40 Cal.
Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
Just wanted to thaank who ever put in one of the threds to use bees wax to weather proof your horn. I just finished a powder horn ( african cattle horn) I did a celtic brade releaf on it and then used bees wax to seal it . I rubbed in about three coats with an old sweat shurt and it turnd out beautifull, I wish I knew how to post pics but, any way thanks :thumbsup: :hatsoff: :bow: Fisher King.
Fisher King, You gotta show us some handiwork. We all love the photos. :hatsoff:
to post pics go to the main forum section and search there or the Search section. Several tutorials on how-to are perviously disscussed. Not too difficult to make happen, easier than enletting parts!. :grin:
post a picther ??shoot ima still trying to figure out where in thunder that little feller what keeps talking at me from this puter is at !! and what kinda virus protection is he giving me ?little sob let me catch the flu ,ima waiting fer him to step outa there then im gonna fetch him up side the head with sumthin hard !! any way nice horn buddy !!!!!
I've been using a mixture of beeswax and linseed oil on my horns and it works good.
I wish I did too, I just know the way to get my E mails and postings, I am going to get some little kid to show me I guess...I an 1800s kind of guy
Did you add anything to the bw to soften it up to rub it in the horn, or just warm it, or...?

Thanks, sse
I just rubed it on the horn like you would cross country skis. I would rub a bit on hard and the friction from the rubing with a sweat shirt or cotton cloth sort of melts it and spreads it around. I would do a couple of inches at a time and over lap as I went.F.K.