Beeswax & Ballistol

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45 Cal.
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
I just had a brainstorm. I mixed beeswax & Ballistol in a double boiler (about 50-50). I plan to use it on my oil finished gunstock and browned barrel. I guess it could be used as a patch lube too? Has anyone else tried this mixture? The ballistol seemed to soak into the gunstock and the beeswax just sat on top kind of clumpy. This mixture seems creamy, I'm jazzed to try it out.
Idaho PRB
Very interesting combo. I will be interested in the outcome, but it sounds good.
Hunter66 said:
Very interesting combo. I will be interested in the outcome, but it sounds good.
Well, the news does mix well, stayed in solution even after it cooled. The consistency is firm but creamy. If you like the propertys of beeswax and Ballistol seperately, like I do, I'm sure you can find a use for this mixture.
Idaho PRB
Why are you putting it on your gunstock? Ballistol isn't a wood finish it's a cleaner and with the addition of beeswax it's not even that. It would probably make a fairly good patch lube tho. Keep us informed on how it works.
Trigger said:
Why are you putting it on your gunstock? Ballistol isn't a wood finish it's a cleaner and with the addition of beeswax it's not even that. It would probably make a fairly good patch lube tho. Keep us informed on how it works.
The gunstock already has an oil finish on it. Ballistol is mineral oil. Tell me you never put oil on your gunstock. Browned barrels call for a finish of wax or oil.I like how the stock looks after I use it. That is my reasoning.
Idaho PRB
I like a carnuba wax for all of my guns, lasts for 2 or 3 rainy days. That way I don't have to buy them stainless steel, plastic stock abortions. :winking:
I know Ballistol by itself is the cats meow, I have never seen anything like it as far as a lube for all...
I've never tried them mixed together. I'm a bigtime Ballistol user and I've always wanted to try blending it with beeswax to produce a more solid product.. I'm very curious about what all you find out.
Heat gun the beeswax in. I use the 1/3 each of boiled linseed, terp., and beeswax. Like the beeswax best. Won't get slippery in wet weather. Actually, holds better and is durable. Coat the barrel with same. Once the heat melts the beeswax, wipe with cloth (use same one over and over) to smooth. Gets a "glassy" look and brings out the curl. I should try your recipe, as Ballistol sounds like the thing to use.
I use a Ballistol/Beeswax mix as bullet lube for my BPCR's . Use it as an end of hunt rub on my flinters. Just straight Ballistol as patch lube .Just my two cents .