Big men's PC clothing patterns

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Jul 7, 2007
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I want to update my PC duds for both 18th & 19th Century events...I'm a big guy, so I would like to find patterns for clothing, that my wife can modify for my size. I also want to get some source's for shoe and boots......I know the usual companies like TOW and Crazy Crow, but would like to look at others!....Any favorites?

Thanks in advance everybody!.... Rick
For patterns I like "Tidings From The 18th Century" by Beth Gilgun. The price of the book is well worth it just for the number of patterns and they can all be modified fairly easily.

For footware the only pair I ever bought were the trekkers from Fugawee. Prior to that I wore braintan mocs, still do most of the time.
Some people love the Fugawees others, not so much.
The local fabric stores have a bunch of historically correct patterns, you might try there. I find them to be really difficult. They are really into minute details.
I personally like to make my own patterns by taking lots of newsprint and box tape. Have your significant other make the garmet out of paper, on you, as dummy. "I like that step" Anyway, when you have the shirt just the way you like it, cut it off and lay it out on a table or floor. The exact dimensions you need to have for your body type are right there in paper on the table, add in a seam alowance and your set. You of course need to know a little about sewing like what a gusset is and where it goes but it actually works out pretty well. For making mocs, do the same thing and use your foot as the dummy this time.
What could be more pc than making your own pattern, transfering it to cloth cutting it out and sewing it up by hand? If you have areas on your body that are used to store up food items, they are all included in your new pattern and you don't have to try to stuff them into someone elses pattern.

Loyd Shindelbower
Loveland Colorado

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