Black Mag 3 powder???

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40 Cal.
Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone ever try this brand of powder? Got a e-mail from Mid South Shooters Supply with an advertisment for this, never saw it before and wondered how it performed. Price seems to be along the lines as Triple Seven.

There were some exchanges on this stuff a while back. I bought some through Cabella's and with the shipping charges it runs more than $30 a pound. Accuracy seems fine. Held the same zero as real black powder at target loads. I haven't tried heavy loads yet. I shoot a .50 T/C Hawken flinter, prime with 4X Goex and have had no problems. Cleans up as advertised. Five minutes and the rifle is clean as a whistle. Graybeard :results:
I was reading about it but after seeing the price decided Goex was just fine for me.
Yeah I got the same e-mail................I like to experiment, but that price tag is a bit much - and I thought 777 was high. ::
I thought the price was kinda steep for the Black Mag 3 too, especially after seeing the $20 hazardous shipping charge in addition to regular S&H fees. Just to order a single lb would set me back over $40!!

Last lb of Goex FFg cost me $8, last lb of Pyrodex RS and P were $12.99 per can locally.

Is this Black Mag 3 just another new name for Clean Shot/American Pioneer?