Black walnut dye

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45 Cal.
Oct 11, 2006
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I tried the search on the forum and it did not like me,So please forgive me asking.I have the walnut and the skins how do u make the dyes help please.
Crush or grind the skins, put that in a sock, then put the sock in some boiling water for 15 minutes. For long term storage place the dye in the freezer so it won't grow any mold or just make a fresh batch as you need it.
You can skip the crushing and grinding and just boil in enough water to cover what you have, then strain it through an old t-shirt.

Can the stuff while hot, or keep it in the fridge. The stuff has a high sugar content and will pick up arobic molds and it'll get a scum onit pretty quick. The mold won't hurt the stain, it can be strained out again it's just yukky to work with.
You'll find all sorts of advise to mix in alchohol or ammonia to stop the mold but it doesn't work, just keep it cool and the mold won't grow.
Thanks for the tips , I did find a site that had some good info, But i need to 20 walnuts and i just got a few.
JamesG said:
Thanks for the tips , I did find a site that had some good info, But i need to 20 walnuts and i just got a few.
If I had know earlier I could have sent you some hulls. They are probably pretty leached out by now. I have seen dried, crushed walnut husks advertised in the classified ads in Muzzleblast or Muzzleloader magazines.
What I do is fill a metal 5 gallon pail with walnut husks, put water in until it just covers the husks. Then put the pail on my old cast iron hot plate and let the brew simmer for a few hours, stirring occasionally with a stick. When cool, strain through an old T-shirt into a clean milk jug. I do add some alcohol and it seems to keep the molding down some. Here is a photo of the CVA pistol I modified a while ago and stained the Birch stock with my home-brewed walnut dye/stain.
Realy nice.I crushed what i had and covered it them water boiled them let it cool.Then put it all in the fridge. I was rushed to get it done .

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