blunderbuss images

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Mar 24, 2014
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Third Pond from the Great God Helios
Could you guys show some images of your blunderbusses, along with comments on your experiences with building, shooting, etc. I have a piece of .62 cal barrel 20" long leftover from a previous adventure that might make a good one for squirrels and such. Need coaching. Thanks in advance, Tree.
Back in the day...and I mean way back, Centennial Arms Corp. had what they called a "Coach Blunderbuss" which was only 27 &1/2 inches long with a big steel barrel about 14" long with a big bell. They came with ebony finished stocks and a polished barrel and lock. All my pictures of then went to Galveston Bay some years ago with Hurricane Elisa, or one of them, when I carelessly left all my historical pictures at my folks house down near the coat. Point being, no pictures...maybe someone has one and can post one of theirs. Kits were available back in the dim, dark past. :wink:

Basically, a blunderbuss is just a sawed off shotgun from another era. The bell makes no difference as to pattern size and sure is harder to aim than a purely cut down fowler or trade gun. The much abused "canoe gun" is an example of the idea without the useless barrel enlargement, though the bell would make loading easier on horse back, stagecoach seat box, frigate's fighting tops or while being run through the woods by less than humored Iroquois! To put it bluntly, it's big noise, much smoke and wide patterns. However, loaded with a fist full of policed up .22 LR cases, it's a smasher on ole heavy paper oil cans (and yes, they did come in heavy paper once-upon-a-time!) :wink: :haha:

Your 20" long piece of barrel should work fine, but effective range will probably be fairly short and a lot of powder in the charge will give you blow-by and mucho racket, to say nothing of smoke and concussion! Lest I frighten you off, it's all worth it since they are a hoot to shoot! Just think of range in feet rather than yards, pattern WILL open up but at midnight New Year's Eve..YEE-HAH!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :rotf:
You reminded me of my misspent youth when oil was collected from oilcan drippings and sold out of glass bottles with steel screw on spouts at the Fina station in Vidor, Texas. About the same time I met a guy coming out of the local gun shop with a factory perc. BB in hand. I had just missed it for $125. Wanted one ever since. Looking back on it, it looked like the offering from Traditions.(I'd rather build my own.) Tree.
Hi Tree. This one is an 11 gauge with an 18" barrel and weighs a hefty 9-lbs. It was built with a thick breech for heavy loads. The load I started with was 90 grains FFG, over powder card, greased wad, 10 .36 caliber balls, over shot card. That load really let my shoulder know when it went off. :shocked2:
Since then, I changed the load to 75 grains of FFG and 10 .31 caliber balls. Better pattern. But as Wes said, It's hard to know where to point the muzzle due to the bell. Generally, I pointed the top of the barrel about a third of the way up from the bottom of the target. Note, the white construction paper in the below target was about 3'X 2'. I was not trying to pattern for a hunting load. I was thinking more in terms of an adversary across the bow of another ship. :haha: But as Wes said, they are a blast to shoot. One of my favorite guns. Here's some pics of her and a target. Rick. :hatsoff:

Wes, that is the most outstanding photo of a shot (blunderbuss or otherwise) I think I've ever seen! Thanks for your response, Tree. :thumbsup: Ricky, That's a beautiful piece, and as Long John Silver said, 'Them that dies will be the lucky ones!') Thanks for the photos , Tree.
Here is mine....its a Centennial Arms Coach gun that WES/TEX mentioned. 14" BARREL, 2" BELL,
95 cal ( 4 bore).

and here is a 20 guage

and here is my Ind ian 20 guage
Blunderbusses are Addictive... !
Scalper; $4500? Maybe in the next life. Thank you for the video, reminds me of a handgonne I made a few years back. It would rattle the ears off a wooden *******! :shocked2: I'm going to stick to .62 cal for now. But the insanity always beckons to the martially deranged, And you never can tell what us old Ozark Arkies might come up with, we have bears in these hills....Tree. :wink:
Sorry don't have a repro.....



Dutch Blunderbuss dating from around 1690 Overall length 38 inches barrel to tang 24 inches bore just over an inch....I know I shouldn't but one day soon it going to the range.....

Of course you should take it to the range.....after a proper gunsmith has pronounced it to be safe.
Sweet! That's a classic,and worthy of reproduction. Good pictures of antiques are the way we learn if we can't handle them. Thanks Kabar 2. Don't bother taking it to a gunsmith to have it pronounced 'safe', because no 'smith in his right mind wants to face litigation in court about a gun he has no final control over. :shocked2: You might magnaflux or x-ray the barrel, but in the end you're on your own. :wink: Thanks again, Everybody for your input and pictures. Tree.
:) :)
Whoa...the Son of a Gun guys could learn something from that one. Beautiful, slender lines on something generally so gangly. Thanks for sharing and I too agree it's worthy of reproducing.

And scalper, I very much like users too. Any chance we could see the other goodies hanging on the rack above?....Mick C :grin:
Wow, it's good to see what everybody likes! I'm inspired to save up for a parts collection (I don't like kits) and build something decent. It'll probably resemble an English 'buss from late 17th to early 18th century, but that's down the road. Right now a humble shootable flintlock .62 is feasable. Thanks so much, guys, you're great. :grin: Even if you can't convince Alden that grits are next to Mother's Milk in the pantheon of epicurian pleasures! :rotf: Tree.
No worries I have a Associates Degree in Gun smithing class of 81 Trinidad State Jr College I hope by now I know'd what I'm Doing :hatsoff:
Hi Alan. I would really like to see those pics of your blunderbuss. But for some reason, the pics won't appear??? Maybe there is a software I need but don't have? But others here are able to view them. Maybe you have a Link or something you can send me? Thanks, Rick. :hatsoff:
treestalker said:
:grin: Even if you can't convince Alden that grits are next to Mother's Milk in the pantheon of epicurian pleasures! :rotf: Tree.

Oh, u sneaky rat finks. And I hadn't even put my blunderbuss in here. And don't think I didn't notice u either AZ!

VERY nice guns there guys...

Can't see it easily but my lock has a sliding switch that locks the hammer.


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