Bore light

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45 Cal.
Nov 22, 2011
Reaction score
Palmer Divide, Colorado
New Traditions brass bore LED (light emiting diode) light. Diodes are made in any color desired. This is a yellow light. Is lead or rust more easily seen with yellow light?
I've followed the suggestions of a few on here who've said to go to the fishing department and buy the small bobber lights. They are small, twist to turn on items that you can drop down the barrel of your rifle and it lights up so you can see if there is any issues with rifleing, bore, etc. They are cheaper from what I've seen too.
Carry the small bobber lights in Green color anytime I go to any shows to use as a bore light, really shows up the condition of the bore.

They are Thill bobber lights
I just discovered that blue light is very good in a bore. I use those light up arrow nocks cause they were free.
That's a fantastic idea and cheap enough too. Thanks for mentioning it.
I use a bobber light. Someone at a show had a very thin LED light which he used to show me a bore. Liked to half-blinded me, so check to see how harsh one is before going that route.
I have a little round mirror glued to a short cylinder of foam rubber I drop down the bore and then use a goose neck auto lamp for the light source.
This allows the light to be manipulated so one can change the light angles.
These goose neck lamps are great for checking chamber mouth alignment in revolvers as well.
The small LED on the end of the flex-wire lamp neck allow you to get your eye right over the bore center for a good look at bore to chamber alignment.
The human eye, with this arrangement, will pick up misalignment that a range rod will slide right on by.
I tried the bobber lights and found that the red and orange ones were useless to me. The yellow was OK.
I also tried one of the thin, metal rods from O'Reilly Auto Parts and it was BRIGHT. I put a little yellow paint on the LED lens and that tamed the brightness.
RonRC said:
I tried the bobber lights and found that the red and orange ones were useless to me. The yellow was OK.
I also tried one of the thin, metal rods from O'Reilly Auto Parts and it was BRIGHT. I put a little yellow paint on the LED lens and that tamed the brightness.

I have one of those and like it. The trick is to not look straight down but sorta at an angle along the rifling. I also put in with the light pointing down the pull back out and reinsert with light pointing down.

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