Boy Scouts Tanning Hides?

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40 Cal.
Apr 29, 2011
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My troop just got donated a few elk hides and all they have to do is tan them and the leather is theirs to do what they need for the troop. The scouts have adapoted the Mountain Man as their Troop and they want to make Diamond shelters and live like Mountain men as we progress. My question is how do you reccomend to tan the hides with the most work being done by the scouts? I would like to get them involved so the appreciate all the are doing.
Thanks again for all the help with my previous post about the scouts.

There is plenty of scraping and breaking to be done for a elk-hide and should easily keep 6-8 boys (per hide) busy for some time.

No nasty chemicals are necessary, though they should wear heavy duty rubber gloves anyway.
Thanks Blackhand,
I will make sure we are wearing gloves. I would like to make this a fun activitity but know it is going ot have a suck factor due to all the hard work. Would love to get one completly tanned over the weekend so I am hoping the weather cooperates so it drys out the hide at the right pace.
Fingers crossed
I do plan on posting pictures once the fun begins. Of course we do not ge tthe hides till mid August but once we get the process started and or done I will post some pics of the scouts working.
Get the DVD Deerskins to Buckskins by Matt Richards - best on the process of brain tanning :thumbsup:
Thank you for the reccommend. I was looking in to the book but did not know if the DVD was a better option. Also thank you for the move to the appropriate place on the forum. I will work on getting my posts in the correct spot the first time.
Good luck.
I'm a Life`r.
I'd recommend you learn how to brain tan or at least experiment with it before you try this project with the troop.
While home tanning is something that can be done there is a rather involved learning process and usually a few failed attempts before the results folks are looking for as a finished product are found.
Involving the scouts is a good idea as the labor can be shared, but labor intensive failure could tarnish not only youthful enthusiasm but your ability to hold the youngsters attention with other projects.
As for being a life'r so am I and could not think of a better way to serve the community. So to start let me say thank you for being a positive role model to our future leaders.
Thank you also for the information we will be very busy it sounds like making leather. The scouts are currently motivated and I am thinking we will only work on one or two at a time so we can have good quality control. I will also look in to getting the Deerskins to buckskins DVD and Book.
If you have any other ideas for our scouts to be more mountain manish I would love to hear them so these young men can have fun with their new patrol and list of activities. Hoping this will help them work on Merit badges and rank advancement a little also. Can not get them to work on stuff if I can not get them to the meetings or activities and sounds like most cannot wait for our August Campout and Tanning party.
Greetings from Australia. I've tanned lots of skins over the years but never thought of getting my scouts to have a go! Wonder how I can work that into the program??? :hmm: I knew there had to be another scout leader here somewhere!
Well I have to get the DVD ASAP since the hide show up on the 13th whether I am ready or not since that is the day the animals will nolonger be needing them.
Hope we have fun with this since the scouts are really excited.
Thanks again for posting
Yes there are a few of us out here. Hope you have your scouts try it also and then let me know how it works out for you. I hope to be posting pictures and comments about how they do nad how they like the activity.
Good luck and have fun :hatsoff: An elk hide is definitely a leap into braintanning. Deer hides would be better, since they would be easier for beginners, but don't worry about it. Just give it a go now! Matt Richards definitely gives a good crash course on it. If you get the hides before you are ready to start them, you can freeze them for the time being.

And as for future mountain man projects, what better than coonskin caps? :grin: :thumbsup:
Loxahatchee said:
future mountain man projects, what better than coonskin caps?
Lots of other things would be far better. Little evidence for them....
Thank you again for the positive vibes. I am looking at a lot of hides that would be easier but when you get something given to your troop you look at it as Waste not want not. And we are going to do our best. The donater is being very genorous and helpful so we have an in with him also.
As for Coon skin hats like the idea but not going to wear one. But am looking at some other hides for the scouts also. Fortunatly live in a large hunting community and am sure we might be able to get some more help local.
Black Hand you have been a great help and I am working on that Idea you PM'd me about. :grin:
You could try squirrel hides (they are probably open-season non-game animals in OR). They are small but tough, and each boy could tan their own. If cased, they would make a neat pouch.
How many are in your troup? the pain of brain tanning comes from keeping it streched while doing its final dry. A lot of hands will keep the kids from getting to tired. It will truely give them something to be proud of.
Black hand we do have an open season on some and that is a great idea.
Will have to give that a look
We have about 6-8 active and when a project comes up that sounds like fun we get more up to about 12 unless the Ventuing Crew shows up then we might get up to 20 total scouts and adults.
Not sure how this oone is going to pan out but we are excited to be giving it a try. Worst case is we get the first 6 done nad then they decide not to do it again. I know the scoutmaster and my self will not let them go to waste.
We have about 6-8 active and when a project comes up that sounds like fun we get more up to about 12 unless the Ventuing Crew shows up then we might get up to 20 total scouts and adults.
Not sure how this oone is going to pan out but we are excited to be giving it a try. Worst case is we get the first 6 done nad then they decide not to do it again. I know the scoutmaster and my self will not let them go to waste.

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