BP with an expired shelf life

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32 Cal.
Sep 28, 2015
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I have one old amount of black powder ( 15 years ) in original packaging like this:


Considering that in my country is not possible to find black powder ( yet ) I won't to throw it. What do you think, what can happen if I use so old BP?
And what is really expiry date of BP if we keep it in dry and dark place?
Real, actual black powder will last indefinitely if stored properly. If the powder is not clumped up, if it appears normal, and you are sure it is actual BP I'd use it.

Added - I'd also make sure it is of the proper grade or granulation (1F - 4F) for use in small arms, I believe there are some types of BP used in fireworks and pyrotechnics that are too fine to use in firearms.
On the box says that is the hunting gunpowder. Also I recognize box from the time when it was possible to buy such packaging. That's it.
Gunpowder looking normally, dry, good granulated...
will5a1 said:
Added - I'd also make sure it is of the proper grade or granulation (1F - 4F) for use in small arms, I believe there are some types of BP used in fireworks and pyrotechnics that are too fine to use in firearms.

I agree. Can't read the label, but it might give you clues.

As for shelf life? I have several cans dated 1971 and 1973. I still shoot a few shots of each every year, just to see what shape it's in. Dandy performance.
I have one can and a few horns full a friend gave me when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, pretty sure they are from the 70's. The powder is just fine and no different from my new stuff.
Опрез !

Oprez !

Modern Nitroglycerin based gunpowder will explode muzzleloader gun!
Модерна нитроглицерин базирана барут ће експлодирати Муззлелоадер пиштољ !

Moderna nitroglicerin bazirana barut će eksplodirati Muzzleloader pištolj !

That may be for modern guns only.
То може бити за модерне топова само

To može biti za moderne topova samo

Confirm that is real blackpowder.
Проверите да ли је стварно Блацкповдер .

Proverite da li je stvarno Blackpovder .
To make absolutely sure that the powder is Black Powder, you should test it.
Да би апсолутно сигурни да је прах Црна праху, требало би да га тестирамо.

You will need something that will not be damaged by the burning powder. The bottom of a metal can would do.

Мораћете нешто што неће бити оштећена у пламену прах. Дно метала може урадио.

You will also need a long wooden match to light the test powder.
Такође ћете требати доста дрвени меч на видело тест прах.

Do this outside in an open place.
Да ли ово напољу на отвореном простору.

Put a small amount of the powder on the surface and use the match to light it.
Ставите малу количину праха на површини и користити меч да га упали.

If the powder makes a small explosion, it is black powder. POOF!!!
Уколико прах чини мали експлозију, то је црн прах.
ПООФ !!!

If the powder burns slowly, it is modern smokeless powder. Whoooooosh. DO NOT USE SMOKELESS POWDER.
Ако прах гори полако, то је модерно бездимни прах. Вхоооооосх. НЕМОЈТЕ КОРИСТИТИ Смокелесс праха.

If the translation is bad, blame GOOGLE. I'm trusting their translator. :redface:

Ако је превод лош, кривити Гоогле. Ја верујем њихов преводилац. :redface:
Thanks for reply to all! :)
I like your Serbian language :) :thumbsup:
You're probably shocked with my English :doh: so you have decided to continue communication in Serbian ( Athough you never spoke it ) better than I continue with my English :rotf:
Sorry guys :grin:
Yes it is black powder for sure. It is only one kind of black powder of "Kamnik" factory has ever been manufactured. Various granulation of BP is science fiction here, except if they arrive from abroad in non official arrangement.
You're doing GREAT. Keep us informed, and ENJOY that stuff. :hatsoff:
The only open question appears to be granulation..and using it to your best advantage based on what it is. Once you have that figured out...you should be good to use it up.
If you haven't heard of him, don't take his web name literally.

Bill Knight (Mad Monk) is one of the most knowledgeable men in the world when the subject is black powder.

He has been a adviser to companies all over the world and has written many interesting articles on the subject. :thumbsup:
If you can, a picture of the powder itself, perhaps in relation to a common object to give size relationship (maybe an American coin?), we would have a better idea of the size of the graduation of your powder.
I will in 10 days, when I arrived at home. I'm in Iraq at the moment.
This BP was made for smooth bore hunting rifles ( old type ). Also I expect two molds from "FS reloading"
MINIE 294grs. and REAL 250grs. I will test it with different load of BP.
I wouldn't worry about Black Powder going bad due to age as long as it is stored well. I have a percussion black powder pistol that I bought in 1968. I bought some black powder to go with it in 1968. Somewhere in 2002-2004 I bought a flintlock rifle. I already had an inline and had been using some Pyrodex (BP substitute) with it.

I tried the Pyrodex and could NOT get it to light. Went back home and dug out a small mason jar inside of which was all I had left of the "real" 3f black powder that I bought with the pistol. This stuff was in the neighborhood of 40-yrs. old and it went off great with the first try. I used it all up just fine before buying a new pound of GOEX 3f.

Twisted_1in66 :thumbsup:
Yep, and I also know of a particular instance where a muzzle loading shotgun was dug out of an old dusty attic where the folks that owned the home knew that it had to have been there upwards of one hundred yrs or more. After discovering that he gun was in fact loaded, the loads were dug out. The powder was raked into a pile and lit with a match and went up in smoke just like it would have had it been a day old. That proved to me once and for all that the stuff lasts indefinitely as long as it always stays dry.

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