Braining the hide is easy, fleshing and softening are the labor intensive parts.
You can get a good tan with eggs, it is the lecithin that softens the hide, provided you introduce it into the collagen structure of the hide by soaking, wringing and working
Hides can be worked by a single person effectively by rubbing them over a taut wire cable and the edge of a boat paddle with the handle sunk in the earth. A bell scraper, in addition to a fleshing knife is helpful.
Be advised that the hide around the necks of deer and elk id VERY thick and will require much manipulation. The smoking of the hide is a must and it also waterproofs to a degree.
First nations people began using cloth with a vengeance when it was obtainable, and steel knives and KETTLES were manna from heaven. Hide tanning is VERY labor-intensive