Another couple of reasons I like to remove the plug;
One, I like a Colrain but I have found a lot of metal chips and pieces in the breech area and on the plug threads. When its out the first time I take the opportunity to clean all the trash off of and out of, the threads. This will help prevent cross threading later, among other things.
Two, depending on the lock there will probably some interference with breech plug and touchhole. As Cody mentioned this is a whole other ball game and good for a thread of its own. If/when the plug comes out for notching and polishing I take the opportunity to clean the barrel from the breech end pushing all junk out the bore (metal chips) and deburr if needed the inside threads where I tapped for the liner. Then I give it a good heavy oiling all the way through.
Because, next on the list, for the barrel anyway, is browning time. Since the barrel may be exposed to high humidity, hot water and other corrosion causing things, I want the inside clean and oiled real good before I plug the bore and vent. This way I am assured when the browning is done and I remove the plugs, there are no nasty surprises waiting for me.