Mine is very funny as I look back at it, but I still have not seen a buck as big as this one. This was about 17 or so years ago. I hunt in my back yard and I ran out for a couple of hours after work. It was very warm here in upstate NY and very dry and I was making alot of noise in the dry leafs. I still hunt down a ridge top and then back to the other end of it. When I got back to where I started I heard some leaves moving on the other side of the ridge about 50 yards away. A huge buck 10 points {I know how many points just keep reading} stood up broad side looking at me. As I pulled up my shotgun I noticed something strange about him, one side of his antlers where hanging down on the side of his head. It must have been shot and was loose. The other side stood up well above his head. I drew the bead on him and BLAM, miss, he stood there BLAM, BLAM, now he started to go, but the antler that was hanging down was tangled in grape vines and all he could do was run around in circles BLAM, BLAM, missed all five shots. Now my gun is empty and I only brought five shells with me and this huge buck is running in circles 50 yards from me. I start running toward him not have any idea why. As i close in on him I think " Hey hit him with the gun stock" I turn my gun around grab it by the barrel and Im going to hit this deer in the head with the stock of my gun. As I get to him he's still running in circles antler caught in the vines. His butt comes by me and I swing of course I miss and I fall down just then he brakes free nearly running me over. He hit atleast three trees head on he must have been dizzy. I will never forget it funniest thing I ever had happen to me in the woods.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: