I've never read this book, but the way I've smoked my braintan hides was with the use of a large smoke box I made from plywood. I used to smoke several hides at one time, so I made the smoke box
using 2"x2"for a frame and 5 sheets of 3/8 inch plywood. The whole thing measured approximately 4'X6'square with a top and bottom. I cut a hinged door on one side approximately 3'x 5". Cut two 2" holes at the outside top edges on two sides for ventilation. I strung wire hangers with sharpened "S" hooks inwhich I could spread and hang my deer hides. There is no cloth bag or stitching-up needed and the entire hide could be smoked evenly! For a smoke, I used a two burner HOTPLATE with two large coffee cans half filled with wet and rotten Cottonwood bark. Leave about a foot space between can rim and bottom of hides! Cottonwood makes a nice golden brown color! I made my smoke box so I could take it apart for storage. You can also pipe-in your smoke from an outside fire box!
There are several variations possible and you can put more into it than I did, but the main thing I liked about it was the QUALITY OF THE FINISHED HIDES! No excessive staple or stitchng holes or no turning inside out etc. Hope you get the idea!