building a rifle

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36 Cal.
Nov 18, 2006
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good morring all. I have shot ml for a long time and put together one kit {my first rifle cva mt. rifle wish is still had it} anyway I was wondering about what it would be to bild one from parts? also do you have to make the stock from a blank or are they preformed? thanks for the info tom
Buy one of the "how to" books and they will answer many of your questions. There are 3 excellent books presently on the market and the cost is well worth the info contained......Fred
You can get "kits" in varying degrees. Most are about, oh, 90% complete. Many have the stock shaped, and inlets cut. Think of your last kit but a little rougher. As mentioned, how to books. "Recreating the American longrifle, and The Gunsmith of Grenville County are two goos ones. Both can be bought from Track of the Wolf.

Also look under the member resources section of the forums, there is a great tutorial by Mike Brooks. While it is from scratch, much of it applies.

Also try searching the builders forum, a TON of info on this.
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well, you're in for it now... next thing you know, you'll be droolong over some esoteric tool and getting all excited over a bunch of sharp rocks... seriously, welcome to the afflicted addicted riflebuilders... if i'd known it were such fun, i'd have started this decades ago.

there are a boatload of good books out there- some are a bit on the expensive side, but if you figure the mistakes you won't make if you read the books, and the parts you won't destroy, they're well worth the investment. probably the best advice i ever recieved (and i pass it to you gratis) is:


[insert tirade here] get the best wrench, chisel, vice bench or whatever you possibly can. long after you've forgotten the price, the tool is still providing great use. if you buy a cheap tool, you'll remember exactly what you paid for it, and be dissapointed by about triple that amount.

good luck- also check out Jim Chambers' site- he's a wonderful fellow and he's got some really neat stuff.

I suggest you try a Lyman Great Plains rifle kit first... There is just enough wood, metal and finish work to give you a taste of things to come, and when you are done you will have a fine shooter. You can also customize it as you see fit, and there are some fine examples of customized GPRs shown in the forum if you do a search.
Tom... MSW gives some great advice, especially about becoming addicted to building these icons of American history. TOW, mentioed by Goldhunter, is a good source of information with lots of ideas in regards to types of rifles you may want to build.

I'd say don't be intimidated and settle for a kit that bolts together. You'll get a great sense of accomplishment working on something that's a little more challenging. It's really not that difficult if you take your time, study pictures, read books and ask guys for help on these forums.

Look around and see what type of rifle you have an interest in and go from there. Anything you choose will be loads of fun.