A fine, accurate..Bon...Bondinopedva is what you get when you combine an NOS Bondino W. Parker barrel(1974), a Pedersoli kentucky .50 cal stock and an NOS CVA bridled flintlock. The .45 barrel is 1 inch longer (11") than the Pedersoli shown. Also 7/8 as opposed to 13/16 that was in the stock. The stock came off the bay. That barrel is actually a drop in fit in the CVA colonial pistol, all I would have had to do was add a percussion drum and wedge lug. How did that lock fit? It did not. The fill around the bottom is actually one piece of walnut. How? By fitting it to the lock first, then gluing a piece of thin model aircraft plywood to the both the lock and filler piece Then fitting it to the stock. Tedious but you wont know its there when i am done unless I tell you.