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Busted: deer route changed

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May 7, 2009
Reaction score
New England
The forest near the private land I hunt on was clear cut a couple years ago and it has resulted in fewer deer using trails near my "stand" and a change in travel habits in general. Opening day, last Saturday, I saw nothing until a deer came up behind my position. That put it down wind, bad. I slowly turned to take the obviously awkward shot and it bolted. Interestingly, it ran on and passed the stand my friend had taken. He shot but missed. Not surprising as the deer was really hauling it.
I went through about the same thing 2 years ago. The farm next to me wasn't clear cut but was timbered. The deer changed their travel routes and I changed my stands. This season will be the third since and I finally think I have a handle on it. Good luck
hanshi said:
I'll change my position this Saturday out.

Why wait until Saturday? I'm pretty sure you're not still working so go when there's not much competition.

I hunt mostly on Tuesday through Thursday. I seldom see another hunter.
I use to hunt all during the week and alone, which I preferred. Now I have to hunt with a partner and my wife doesn't want me to go out alone. This in case I fall and can't get back up, among other things. I'm healthy but with degenerative spine disease AND rheumatoid arthritis. In other words I'm very healthy for the shape I'm in. :v:
Stick with it hanshi. You'll get em lined out.

As you know, a guy can hunt the same property for years with no changes to the landscape and still have deer come from where they are not expected to. They're devious that way :hmm: .

Good luck, Skychief
Started legal deer hunting in 1949 and have hunted the same area since and it's county forest land. During that time I've had to move my stand 3 times due to clear cutting of popple and aspen which is done every 20 yrs and the scrub oak and maple stands are selectively cut every 20 yrs, but these areas might just as well be clear cut also because of the badly scarred uncut trees caused by the big equipment.

Seeing I've grouse hunted 100s of acres of this extensive county forest, never had any trouble finding a new stand. Bothersome, yes, but have always had excellent results w/ the new stands.

What's presently more important are the 2 wolf packs in the forest that are causing low populations of deer....noticed that a few yrs ago when very few young deer and does were seen......Fred
Thank you all for the words of encouragement. My pard & I went out today but saw nada. We decided then and there that the next trip out would be a squirrel trip. I'll tote my .36 SMR and he his TVM .62 smoothbore. I'll also be carrying my .50 flint pistol, heavily loaded, in case a deer shows up.
10 years ago I had scouted alot and found THE Place to make a stand. Herd of cows went by EVERY morning. I was stoked, planning to be back home by 9:00 AM. When I got close I was horrified to see the USFS had started a "prescribed burn" right there in the area. Needless to say they wasn't no elk comin by. We dont clear cut much out here but burns are happening alot more lately since the devastating forest fires.

:eek:ff Few weeks back the lit up a patch right by I-40 and there were like 4 accidents (one fatality) as even though beware of smoke signs was posted it suddenly went from 100 yds to ZERO visibilty. Was 3:330 AM and the truckers dont slow down fer nothin it seems.
Despite hunting the same property since '71, I've moved numerous times. We had some select/clearcut done back around'90, but EVERYTHING has grown, so movement has changed EVERYWHERE.

Pa's rife season opens Monday after Thanksgiving, and I'm not terribly excited after taking the flintlock buck in Virginia. I may just take a MLer and not even shoot a buck unless something respectable (unusual) would happen to show itself.