Nun of these guys do much camping and making coffee do they?? Anyway's "camp coffee",,,,,
It's about a cup of grounds in a gallon of water. But it ain't about the amount,(that's taste) it's about the cookin! Burnt coffee sucks! Well made strong coffee is good.
Get a cookin fire,,put cold water in the pot close to the coals. the pot will make noise in a bit,,stir the pot till it makes noise whilst stirn. then toss the coffee gounds on top and stir. If ya did good the grounds will sink. if they float,,stir and make hotter..
Mess with the fire a bit and get the pot to "bubble" not "boilin"!!( that's the tough part). If it's boiling fast, remove the pot or raise it! keep it on a very low boil fer 5 minutes. remove the pot from the fire,and wait till it stops "bubblin"
Now comes the "egg shell's/ cup of cold water" part. All of the grounds will be in suspention,, if you add something cold like egg shell or a cup of cold water the heavey particulates will drop to the bottom of the pot because of the tempurature change( 7th grade science). If ys practice ya kin keep a pot like that going fer hours,,little coffee a little water,,a little water a little coffee,,,,,,,,,that's how ta make camp coffee. when it gets old about noon toss it out and make another